help with tailer brakes for 2008 Ranger | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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help with tailer brakes for 2008 Ranger


New Member
October 31, 2008
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City, State
Errington BC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 Ranger Sport 4X4
Help, I have just purchased a trailer for camping but need to install a brake controller. My dealer installed a 7 pin connector with my towing package but I understand Rangers don't have a built in controller. I want a proportional controller and I understand I will need a circuit breaker (40amp?) and need to run a wire from the controller to the 7 pin connector.
I need help locating the correct wire from the brake pedal switch and need advice on where to mount the controller.
If you have any thoughts or advice I'm all ears.:D

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I've always seen the controllers mounted under the dash, just to right of your right leg (out of the way, but within easy reach.)

There is only one wire from the brake pedal switch, and the switch is about 4 inches above the pedal pad (on the brake pedal arm.)

If you need a 40 amp circuit, I would suggest an 8 gauge wire, directly from the battery (are you sure you need 40 amps - seems like a lot.)

Whichever controller you get, make sure it has detailed wiring and configuration instructions - and read them thoroughly - twice.

I have an 08 ranger and had a brake controller installed professionally.It is wired directly to the battery and there is a couple of fuses under the hood.The controller was placed on the right side of the steering column.At first I brushed my knee on it until I got used to it being there.My advice to you would be have someone that knows what they are doing wire it up.After all it is a new truck and warranty wont fix your mistakes.Good luck

When I installed my trailer brake controller 7 years ago, I don't remember needing a 40 amp circuit breaker.

I just pulled out my instructions for my Tekonsha Voyager controller. It states automatic reset circuit breaker (20 amp for 1 or 2 axles and 30 amp for 3 or 4 axles) is needed. A 20 amp circuit breaker came with my controller.

There should be instructions with any controller you get. Just follow them and you will be fine. If you don't understand electrical installation, I suggest you get it professionally installed.

almost there

I have just about everything installed except I can't figure out which wire to hook the brake pedal switch (red) wire to. There are 2 coming off the switch.

I have just about everything installed except I can't figure out which wire to hook the brake pedal switch (red) wire to. There are 2 coming off the switch.

Hello, anybody there?

I took a needle and penetrated the different wires. I then hooked up a volt/ohm meter to it and a ground source to determine which would switch on and off when the brake pedal moved in and out.

Thanks all, I finally figured out there are 2 switches on my brake pedal, one with 2 wires but no voltage on either wire, was driving me nuts to get the light to glow. I found a second switch beside it with 5 wires, the one wire was hot and the one next to it was hot when the pedal was pushed. In case anyone who is having the same trouble is reading this the wire was purple and white that I tied into and successfully towed my trailer yesterday.
