Hood scoops by Dannyboy | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hood scoops by Dannyboy

I decided that the KKM was heating up too much for my liking so I purchased a set of black hood scoops.
After looking to paint them on my own I couldn't resist the $80 I paid to have a shop do it all instead of paying nearly $40 for just the paint.

I cut out the holes to make these functional then took to my hood for 4 nice holes, leaving the cross member in place. I then added nine rivets along each side to keep these suckers down.

Here is a couple pics.


  • hood scoops 1.jpg
    hood scoops 1.jpg
    40.5 KB · Views: 933

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My Borla header in my black lifted truck was wrapped and it helped alot.But my sport that is stock is the one that needs help its like a oven under the hood.I used to have a 88gt with a SVO hood on it and the scoop used to blow air right down on top of the upper intake and it helped alot to keep the upper intake cool,but the only downside is when it rained:(

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Originally posted by 410Fortune

Thanks dude! Hey and are you sure thats 5'-0"?

Ok I exaggerated just a lil, but I went to the garage with the tape measuer and the top of my hood scoop is 5ft from the ground with the slope of my hood. The actual front of my hood to the ground is like 4' 9"
I'm like 6'3" and I stand on my tow hooks to do just about any work under the hood.:p

For a real cheap idea that looked great I saw a guy use what looked to be some sort of vents that were rectangular and he cut a couple of those in his cherokee to run cooler.

hahaha I was joking! 4'-9", 5'-0" who cares! It's up there!!!

Whats your front lift?

the old 300Z turbo had a sweet little scoop in the hood, I dont think it would work on my hood though, too flat.

I want some scoops.

Thanks for the link, those look sweet on that Jeep! I wonder if that inspired Jeep to do those onthe 5.9L's, they look real similar....

I am guessing that the air flowwing over the hood sucks the hot air up and out.....

I like the idea of a forward facing scoop to push cool air into the engine compartment, therefore feeding my KKM as well...of course if you suck the hot air out I guess you are accomplishing the same thing.

I would just be worried about those screens filling up with crap over time, looks like it wouldnt be to hard to clean though........

Great article/mod
