How about a trail ride at Windrock in Oliver Springs, Tenn. | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How about a trail ride at Windrock in Oliver Springs, Tenn.

SO did anyone confirm what day march 29th was?

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the 29th is a monday...

i will head up there the 26th in the afternoon and stay till the 28th. that give us a whole weekend of wheeling.

i will probably head up there with u if thats ok. I just realized that i dont have the 29th off. So i can probably only wheel on the weekend also.What time do u plan on heading up there. Also who else is going?Any other explorers ok with these dates?

dont know when ill leave yet prolly around 2 though

So i guess the date were going now is the 26th through the 28th. Who is confirmed that they can go. I guess right now it is me an nissanboy. Thats 2. Anyone else?

Where in Tn is windrock?

East past knoxville. I believe its close to the border.

Windrock (Oliver Springs area) is northwest of Knoxville by about 20 miles. It is easy to get to, I can give directions if needed. I will be going on the 27th Saturday. I have at least one more that wants to go with me and maybe a jeeper. Depending on when everyone gets to town we could meet and eat on friday night and plan the day. We should know the skill level and explorer ability by then.

I wish I could go, but i'm gonna be out of town. thanks anyway though.

I just put a post on the SXC site trying to get some of them to go. Will see what hapens.

Ok the date is getting closer and im debating if i should go or not.Nissanboy is having second thoughts and probably isnt going. Im still going to go if there are at least like 3 or 4 other people going. So who all is still planning on going.?

Thanks, Matt

I am going, another explorer friend (goes by goatman on here) and a buddy with a jeep. I mentioned it to others, but no commitments.

Im still trying to get someone to ride with me.I had 2 trucks going but they both backed out. Do u want to meet up in kingston and then drive up there?

I live just off the I-40 exit to Oak Ridge, we can meet at my house or the exit. Or we can meet at windrock, that would save you about 15 miles. The guy in the jeep will be coming through Oak Ridge and we may meet for breakfast. Are you planning on driving in on Saturday morning or staying over on Friday night? 2 hotels located at my exit.

i wanted to drive up friday afternoon and get to windrock and camp there at night.I suppose i could drive up saturday the 27th in the morning. Are u going to wheel all weekend? I still need to get some directions to get up there. If u want i will meet u at the exit. Just give me your adress and i will put it in mapquest.

The camping at windrock has no facilities, basically just the parking lot. The guy in the jeep will have to leave by about 3. I may have another friend that will come in his mid 90's F-150 4x4. I was planning on going early, taking lunch and getting out by supper time. I will probably not go on sunday, church, wife and kids. As far as how to get to my house get on I-40 go toward Knoxville to exit 356 and you are less than a mile from it. There is a camp ground at my exit, if interested I can get you some info.

So i guess we can meet up friday night. I will camp at the camp ground. Then ill wake up early sat and we can go wheeling all day then i will leave later that night.

Sounds good, I will try and stop by and get some info on the campground. I will try and get Mike to meet us for supper friday night. We can make a plan for the ride.

I might get my friend with a jeep to go. Hes reluctant, but when i said another jeep was going he got happy. He and I want to know what does the jeep have done to it. Is the guy with the fulsize f-150 going to be wheeling? And are there any rules against having trailered trucks in the park? I would think not.

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The jeep (sahara) is stock except running 31x10.5x15 all terrain tires. Trailered stuff is all over the place, no problem with that. The F-150 is stock except for slight oversize tires, he is not for sure going. The campground near my house is RV only. I don't know of another one nearby, but I will ask around. How modified is the jeep? There is a rock crawling area if he likes that. Way to rough for me, I like to trail ride with a few rough areas. I don't like getting to rough and someone breaking or spending hours on one hill. I am planning on going this weekend on my atv and see what would be a good route to take.
