How high you guys lift EX off the ground from one coner | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How high you guys lift EX off the ground from one coner


Well-Known Member
January 7, 2011
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City, State
Eden Prairie, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Explorer
I have done several maintenance jobs for my 98 EB V8 5L. I have a 3ton floor jack and the maximum lift is 21inch. I never tried to lift one coner up to that height. Normally I only lift the truck off the ground for 14-15 inches from one coner and then another coner in the same height. However even I am not a fat guy, it is difficult to work under the truck with that space.

So my question is that if you start from one coner, how high can you lift EX without being afraid of loosing balance?

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Are you concerned about tipping the EX over when you jack it?

I'd think you'd have to jack it up much further than your jack is capable to tip it over. Sure the EX is "top heavy", but there is still a significant amount of weight down low (the frame, engine, transmission, wheels.....). To tip it over, you'd need to get the CG line of action to go outside of the wheels on the other side.

This makes me feel much better!

Such as checking the differential fluid level, replace the fuel filter etc. Anything under the truck in the middle part could be difficult if I just lift the wheel two inches from the ground. I have 16inch wheel and 255 75 R16 tire.

I think he meant what are you using to hold the truck up with, like jackstand?

Yes, with Jackstand. I have 3 ton floor jack with two stands. Each is supposed to be able to hold 3000LB. So total 6000 LB in capacity.

Isn't that most 'Weekend Mechnics' use?

I can change my oil/filter, and do my diff servicing without lifting the truck with a jack. I have a 1.5" lift and 32" tires. All i need to do is lay on a creeper and slide under...
