How to Fix Extreme Camber | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to Fix Extreme Camber


Well-Known Member
October 4, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Kalamazoo, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 XL
My Expo has extreme camber right now. Both front wheels tip in at the top so much as it's noticeable from any angle, and it affects steering, especially at high speed. My mechanic seems to think that I bent both I-Beams and possibly the radius arms after a hard landing (I only had one, and it was pretty hard, but not anything that I would think should bend the I-Beams). He can bend it back, but his estimate is $300. I just want to make sure that he is correct before I shell out the money. Is there anything else that could lead to this problem? He also suggested that the springs may be sagging, but I doubt that because the wheels are not high in the wheel wells at all. Also, they would not have starting sagging so bad all at once. Any help is greatly appreciated.

1992 Explorer XL
4.0 L V6 5 Speed Manual

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Yes, he did try different camber bushings, and they are in there now, and I still have the camber. Also, today I noticed when I raised my Explorer that both front wheels have excessive in and out slop/play. Any ideas on what it could be? Is it possibly related to my bad camber?

BTW, your new Atlas II looks great. I think I will start to save my money to get one of them, although it may be a while.

1992 Explorer XL
4.0 L V6 5 Speed Manual

The slop could be wheel bearings or ball joints. If you can push and pull the tire in and out it's bearings. If you can move it up and down with a long bar (of course while the trucks on a jack) it's the balljoints.

Rick Horwitz

Thanks for the information. I'll figure out which one it is after I finish my clutch job.

1992 Explorer XL
4.0 L V6 5 Speed Manual
