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Hunterdan's 98 Sport

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Are there doors to access the extended cab?

I really, really like the new Frontiers. If I could find a good used one with a matching fiberglass camper shell I'd trade the Mounty in on it

Can you post what kind of MPG's you get out of it?

Are there doors to access the extended cab?

I really, really like the new Frontiers. If I could find a good used one with a matching fiberglass camper shell I'd trade the Mounty in on it

Can you post what kind of MPG's you get out of it?

Yes, there are 2 rear doors to access the back part of the cab and I will post mileage info when I get it, I'm sure the mileage will get better as its broken in. But I will be going on a nice long trip this weekend so I will post some info when I get back. So far I love it, I'm starting to get used to it and how it feels and it just keeps getting better and better.

Was that brand new with barely any miles? I've never driven a brand new car with under 1k miles, is it true you have to keep the rpms below 3k the first 1k miles til the motor gets broken in? Just curious because we're suppose to go test drive a brand new car today and don't want to blow it up. Nice truck by the way :thumbsup:

Yes, there are 2 rear doors to access the back part of the cab and I will post mileage info when I get it, I'm sure the mileage will get better as its broken in. But I will be going on a nice long trip this weekend so I will post some info when I get back. So far I love it, I'm starting to get used to it and how it feels and it just keeps getting better and better.

Yeah the engine will only get better for the first 40k

How big is the rear seat? Is it pretty easy to access stuff back there with the rear suicide doors open?

That truck looks really clean in black!

Just curious because we're suppose to go test drive a brand new car today and don't want to blow it up.

Thats why you test drive and beat the heck out of the one truck and then say you want the same truck in a different color ;)

No can't really beat'em because this place the salesmen ride with you. And Dan, we need some interior pics! :D See how roomy it looks.

I've actually read that its better to break it in hard. My dad also told me to vary the RPMs, don't hold it at one speed for too long. Yeah, only had 17 miles when I bought it. :D Interior room isn't bad, but it has bucket seats up front with a floor shifter (auto). There is plenty of room in the back with the jump seats folded up to carry plenty of stuff.


interior is meh.. beautiful truck though

The interior is plain, pretty simple, nothing to write home about, but it works for me. The black really looks good on this truck.

interior is meh.. beautiful truck though

The interior is plain, pretty simple, nothing to write home about, but it works for me. The black really looks good on this truck.

Exactly. Its a truck, its simple like it should be :thumbsup:

The more I see of these trucks, the more I want one

I am extremely impressed with it. So far the mileage is better around town than what i was getting with my ex. The ride around town and the little bit on the highway I've had it was firm, but compliant, much better than what my Sport was.

Thats the nice thing with the new trucks whether its s small block V8 or 6cyl, they get around the same mileage of what the ex's do. Does that truck have a good 4low gear?

I haven't even put it in 4wd yet, the nice thing though is that since it is drive by wire, the throttle input is supposedly changed to help control the engine speed better when in 4low. I will try it out this weekend when I am in the mountains and have a decent field to drive across. are you straying from the explorers now? Or do ya think you might get one as a 4wheeler someday?

As for now, since I don't have the time, room or money to do a buildup, I'm staying with one vehicle, but someday I would like to get another sport like I had and do a SAS, SOA and V8 swap. My ex served me very very well for 3.5 years, not one major problem or incident.

Just got back from a trip on the highway, and I seem to be getting 20+ mpg highway and about 15 mpg mixed and 13 or so in the city. Very nice ride on the highway, handles the curves going up mountains very well, and was pulling 80 mph up mountains and was still pulling before I let off the throttle. Major improvement over my ex as far as power is concerned.


Just figured I would update this a bit. In the past few months, I have done some minor upgrades to my truck. First, I had the exhaust done. The stock y-pipe assembly is a mess of crushed pipe, extremely restrictive. So I had purchased a dual inlet cherry bomb Vortex muffler. I went this route after the success I had on my sport with the Pro series. I had the local shop unbolt the factory y-pipe and go with the dual inlet muffler as it will give me more options later on if needed. I kept the factory tail pipe as I liked the factory tip. Here are a few pics of the exhaust:




Next I added a tonneau cover from Lund. I picked up the Genesis Tri-Fold as I liked the ease of which it could be installed, removed and the lack of snaps. It took all but 2 minutes to install, is easy to install or remove in any weather. And thus far, hasn't leaked yet. The bed is staying completely dry. In fact, my dad was so impressed with it, he ditched his cover on his ranger for the same model I have. I don't have any pics with it on the truck, but found a generic pic to use, and will update when I get some.


Finally, in the past month, I added a CAI. I had been searching for one for a few months and finally found a great deal on one. After searching ebay and doing a google search, I found an intake from Kool-Vue that is almost a clone of the K&N kit with the polished tube. I was able to pick it up online for $65 shipped to my door. As most know, this is cheaper than the KKM intake and is almost the same price as a good K&N cone filter. I did do some searching, but the company does not make anything for Explorers that I could find. Here are a few pics installed.



In the future, I am looking into getting a programmer, possibly from Superchips or Hypertech. I also plan on trying out a different muffler, possibly the Hooker Aerochamber, and will be going dual in/dual out with both pipes exiting in the stock location. I also plan on adding a lift, something moderate, in the 2.5"-3" range with 32" tires.


Nice, some well-thought out changes. When you do suspension work don't forget that Titans and Frontiers share suspension components with similar dimensions, so from what i understand you could swap out Titan A-arms for a little wider track and a bit more travel than stock.

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Trust me, I am well aware of the titan/frontier interchangability. I most likely won't go that route, due to the fact that I would likely need glass fenders. For now, and for a while, any suspension work is going to be just for looks and to fit larger tires. When I get to it, I will probably just do a spacer lift in the front and either shackles or AALs in the back. I may even keep and eye out for NISMO suspension take offs as they use bilstein shocks at all 4 corners. I am hoping that either superchips or hypertech releases tunes for the 2008 frontier. Thanks for the compliments!

