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Hydraulic car ramps.

Does anybody on this site own hydraulic ramps like these: 2pc Hydraulic Vehicle Car Ramps 10,000lbs Capacity Portable For Car Repair Black | eBay

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You want it to look like an accident huh?

I was looking at those also. Several brands available, but dig deeper. read seller's negative reviews for last year. Suggests china manufacture.

10,000 lb is entire vehicle, so 2500 lb per ramp max.

Interesting idea, the reviews for all the hydraulic ramps I have seen make me feel sorry for the honest people that got suckered into buying trash.

The ramps which I've been using for many years are a little warped. The ground clearance is minimal too so I was looking at other options. I waited to see what kind of feedback I could get, but didn't hear anything until now. I ordered a set a few days ago, and I hope that they are not junk. I'll have to open a dispute if they are no good. The seller is in China but has a warehouse in California like many other sellers on EBay. The price was lower on EBay than Amazon.

Write a review once you have used them.

I have an update. The ramps came in the mail but the box was ripped, and taped in several places. The contents were loose in the box, and the inner boxes were ripped up. The actual item was okay but was missing paint in several places. Some mounting hardware was missing but nothing which I didn't already have. I was able to assemble them. It shows that there is no quality control on the way they package things. I understand that the seller is in China, and he has to hire a distributor in the USA to ship it for him, but they don't check the contents of each box prior to shipping. The box wasn't shipped from California as mentioned in the listing but was shipped from Texas so it arrived sooner.

The seller sent a standard email which all sellers on EBay send if there's an issue. They always say to email a photo. I told him that I can't send a photo of items which are missing. There's nothing to photograph.

I would like to test these ramps but it's freezing outside so I'll have to wait for a day when it goes above the freezing mark. Maybe I'll be able to get my van working if I could work on it.

You could take a picture of everything you received, to show what is missing.

I assembled it & threw out the ripped box without taking a picture. It was only missing minor hardware so it's not such a big deal. I just feel that the seller should be more responsible if they are hiring a company to pack & ship their merchandise. I read reviews how things like the arms which pump the jack were missing or welded joints came apart during shipping. You can't get those arms anywhere but you could modify a metal pipe with an angle grinder or a Dremel. These sellers don't answer emails over the weekend so I'll see if he responds tomorrow.

One thing that I wanted to point out is that it has pins to lock the position in 3 sets of holes for safety reasons. It's not just pumped up like a floor jack. You drive onto it, pump it up, then insert pins to lock the position of the bottle jack.

The seller responded & offered a refund of $8 for the missing hardware. Maybe he will send it this week.

I put the van on these ramps to work on the transmission but the parking brake cable snapped so I didn't get to the transmission. The ramps felt sturdy & high up compared to my old steel ramps. I didn't test the hydraulics yet. The van is on these ramps over night.

Looks pretty cool to me. I hope it works out well for you.

Thanks. The seller sold 121 of these, and from looking at the listing, it appears that he sells one every other day so I wonder why auto parts stores or Harbor Freight doesn't sell them. I know that they are more expensive compared to standard ramps but they have extra features to make working under a tight space easier.
