I knew this would happen... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I knew this would happen...


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
When the electrical system on our ST freaked out I was in a hurry to leave the house. I remember going between the garage and the house a few times, telling the wife what was going on, etc. After putting a charger on the battery I left the house in another car.

The next day I went to work on the ST to check the battery and ensure everything was working correctly. I couldn't find my fob. I remember having left it in the cup holder for part of the time, I remember having it my hand while working under the hood, but I couldn't remember where I had put it down!

It has been nearly a month since this happened and I finally sprung for a new fob. The only thing I could think is that I set it down under the hood and it fell out when I drove the vehicle.

I have a friend who is a locksmith and he programmed a new fob for me. The next morning, the very next morning... I was going to pick up a friend in our Mach 1 so we could go to lunch. I reached into the center console for the garage remote and lo and behold... The ST's fob was in the console of the Mustang. Man, my brain must have been fried the morning that the STs battery died. I had checked everywhere but in the Mustang.

The good news is I now have three working remotes.


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Murphy's law I guess. A few days ago we lost power in the town I live in. My phone charge was getting pretty low so I decided to go plug it in in my ST. Less that 10 seconds after I plugged it in power was restored.

Murphy's law I guess. A few days ago we lost power in the town I live in. My phone charge was getting pretty low so I decided to go plug it in in my ST. Less that 10 seconds after I plugged it in power was restored.
I had a customer a few decades ago whose phone system was down due to a hurricane. This entire part of the state had no power for quite some time, some as long as eleven days. Anyway, they didn't like the price we gave them to get temporary service, thinking they'd have power any minute.

After about five or six days with no phones and no power, they decided they couldn't wait any longer. We went out and put dial tones on the service counter and in the office. Literally, as I was tightening the last wire connection, the power came back on.

so you really only wanted to tell us that you have Mach 1,

only thing that would be more cool or cooler than would be if you told us it was in fighter jet gray.

so you really only wanted to tell us that you have Mach 1,

only thing that would be more cool or cooler than would be if you told us it was in fighter jet gray.

DSG, Dark Shadow Gray.


Ive left my phone under the hood before....drove around the block and then realized where it was. 🤦

I did the same thing once with a 7 way round to 4 way flat adapter. I looked everywhere, couldn't find it. I broke down and bought a new one. When I was done with it I thought to myself I'll put this next to the other one so it won't get lost.

lost many tools in the X! usually ended up getting another cause couldnt find it only to find it wedged under the carper where i couldnt see it!

The wife has lost many sets of keys and fobs. I don't remember losing a set of keys, but I've set a ton of stuff down while working and spent an hour trying to find them.

I made a slug out of 1/2" round bar to keep the shock rod end spacers in place while I push a bolt through. Last time I had the shocks out, I spent at least two hours looking for it, then made another one. Found the original as I was putting the new one in the center console. The place I thought it was and looked in three times.

Let's not even talk about those 10mm sockets....
I buy them every time I see one at the swap meet.

What is it with 10mm sockets? I'm missing some too....

just remember that the thing you cant find, is always in the last place you look
Yeah, cause you quit looking once you found it

What is it with 10mm sockets? I'm missing some too....
always lose the 10 and 12, annoying! they just roll away...
