I think my springs are getting weak, what to look for? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I think my springs are getting weak, what to look for?


Elite Explorer
February 19, 2006
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1994 XLT,
I am thinking that my rear springs are getting weak. both front and rear of the springs are bowing up just before the second leaf. is this normal or are my spring gone. it just doesn't seem correct.

What are my options for replacement?


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Haha, I just replaced mine two days ago for the same reason. I went to the junkyard and pulled a set off a 91 for $60, replaced the bushings in the springs and the ones in the frame where the shackle bolts to the rail. Good as new:D

I am thinking that my rear springs are getting weak. both front and rear of the springs are bowing up just before the second leaf. is this normal or are my spring gone. it just doesn't seem correct.

What are my options for replacement?


That is normal and yes they are getting weak.

That is a very comin problem on the 2nd gen X's, I see X's on the road all the time that you can really see the rear sagging. I went to Pull-a-Part and got a set of F150 leafs for 20$ ea, got lucky someone had allready gotten the axle so all I had to do was unbolt the bushing and I was out the door in 20min.:thumbsup: A lot of people will just add a leaf but I think that is like putting a good battery with a dead battery and it won't take long to be right back with the same problem. Plus I got about 1 - 1.5 in. lift from normal riding height.

did you have to do alot of fab work to the springs or did they go right in the stock location?

It looks like the main spring is the bad one on my Ex.

