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Ignition Tumbler/switch 96 Exp Help?


New Member
October 26, 2008
Son has a 96 Explorer with a 5.0 motor. He called me tonight and said the steering wheels was locked and the ignition tumbler was not working correctly. He is 18 so I am only working with half of what took place. I had the vehicle towed home and I am thing the tumbler is bad. You insert the key and just get a ding, but as you turn the key nothing works... steering wheel is locked...

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same thing happened to my 97.. pull the steering wheel in the opposite direction and try to turn the key to unlock it. dont turn the key too hard or youll break the end of the tumbler off in the column lock like i did. if you do in fact need to replace the tumbler its an easy job.. the hard part is finding a tumbler for cheap. i got an entire column with keys and fobs from a yard for $25, then had to have the vehicle towed to a ford garage so they could reprogram the anti theft to accept the new tumbler and key. ford wanted 125 for a new cylinder, 60/hr to set the tumblers, and 60/hr to program it. went to another dealer who charged me $30 to program, and make 2 new keys.

hope this helps,


I do not have PATS keys. Could this be the problem? I just got two regular keys with the truck, I always wondered about this...

i didnt have pats keys either, but the truck would not do anything when i turned the new key over. it still had to be programmed, just not as extensive as the pats keys. the guy at the service center and i were stunned too.

i didnt have pats keys either, but the truck would not do anything when i turned the new key over. it still had to be programmed, just not as extensive as the pats keys. the guy at the service center and i were stunned too.

That makes no sense at all. If you don't have PATS, there is absolutely nothing to program. Zip.

yeah i replaced mine, its not hard at all.. but i was able to turn my key to the on position, which lets it slide out of the column once you depress the release on the bottom. not sure how to tackle this if youre column is still locked and you cant cycle the switch.

if you can turn the key and the wheel is still locked the tab on the end of the lock cylinder prbly snapped like mine did. you can sit in the truck and do this. just take the plastic covers off the column, turn the key to the on position.. there is a release on the bottom of the lock cylinder, depress it and pull the cylinder out.

if the locking tab broke off and it jammed in the column lock keeping the wheel locked (which is what sounds like happened), i used a small cordless drille to drill a tiny hole in the tab, then tapped a small flat head screwdriver bit into it.. put a bit driver on and turned the lock forward while pulling as hard as i could on the wheel. it poppped free and i was able to pull the broken peice out with the bit tapped into it.

hope this helps

I think you might be spot on with this and I will try this as soon as the rain stops... The cylinder is kind of loose also.....

yeah mine was the same way. i forced the switch and heard a pop.. then the switch became loose. pulled it out to find the tab stuck in the column lock. after 15 mins of freaking out i grabbed my drill/driver and went to work. wasnt that bad, honestly.

When my son called me and tried to explain this over the phone I was really thrown. Now that I have been able to look in the Chilton and get your input I think I can handle the task. Due the rain, I am just going to roll over to autozone and get the replacement cylinder.

yeah mine was the same way. i forced the switch and heard a pop.. then the switch became loose. pulled it out to find the tab stuck in the column lock. after 15 mins of freaking out i grabbed my drill/driver and went to work. wasnt that bad, honestly.

You where right ! I got the lock out and it was snapped. Now I start the journey of getting the snapped part out... This should be fun! I will let you know how I make out with this one...
