Installed Rancho 9000's today | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Installed Rancho 9000's today

Newfy Trac

Well-Known Member
August 24, 2011
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 Sport Trac
Old shocks had 57K miles on them. LF and RR shocks were blown out. LF rubber bushing was also destroyed.

Got the 9000's installed, I set them at 3 hoping for a softer ride for the terrible roads around here, after a brutal winter. Went for a test ride, at a setting of 3, it rides much softer over the square edge potholes, but over the faster rolling bumps it a little too soft. 5 is supposed to be close to a stock shock.

What settings are you guys with the 9000's using ?


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I used to have the Rancho 9000XL's on mine with the MyRide Wireless Remote System when it first came out, ended up selling the complete setup to another member a couple years back.

It all depends on the terrain you drive on and what's done to you rig. I would normally have the rear softer then the front for normal driving conditions.

Update, I went to 5 in the front and left the rear at 3. Much better ride, keep in mind I'm looking for a smooth ride on the road. I don't care about going around corners at mach 1.

My off-roading consists of Sand Dunes, which I plan on starting at 9 front and rear.

Overall very happy with the purchase, so far. I paid $320 for the set, Rancho has a $100 mail in rebate going right now.

I really wish I wouldn't have read your last post... So tempting to get the rs5000's now with a $50 rebate for those

Bigger Shocks?

Ive got a 3"lift coming from Supreme Suspensions with new torsion keys and an add-a-leaf for the rear. My shocks need replacing as it is, what you recommend? Brand and size? OEM size or a taller shock?


Thanks! I'm going with the RS5000's. website was clutch!
