Instant "Check Transmission" after solenoid replacement | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Instant "Check Transmission" after solenoid replacement


New Member
June 12, 2009
Reaction score
2003 Explorer Eddie Bauer

I have been having "check transmission" issues for a few miles,with a P0741 code, so I ordered a new solenoid pack, filter, gasket, and valve body from 800700tran. Yesterday, I installed them all, and now get an almost instant "check transmission" after starting the truck up, even before it's taken out of park.

Here's what I did:

Drained fluid, removed pan, removed filter, loosened solenoid wiring plug nut, removed solenoid, removed low/reverse servo, removed valve body.

Installed all the new parts in reverse order of above and then refilled fluid. I started the truck and let run for 30 seconds or so and topped off the fluid. The check light came on immediately.

After topping off fluid, I started the truck and shifted to reverse and back and forth between reverse, drive, and park. The truck will go into reverse immediately and smoothly, but not immediately into drive and then will "clunk" into gear.

I wonder if the fluid is still low or if I didn't completely tighten down the solenoid plug.

Any other ideas?

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Can you elaborate on what to check, please? I'm not sure what you mean by the internal wiring harness, and by checking the solenoids, do you mean the connection at the top that I'm wondering if I tightened enough?

Check the internal wiring harness, and the solenoids. It's possible that there might be a bad connection somewhere.

The internal wiring harness is going to the solenoids inside of the transmission. It's possible that a pin got bent on the plug or a wire might have a broken connection. Use a continuity tester on this harness.

I tightened the solenoid connection and the 'check transmission' light does not come on any more.

Thanks for the help.
