Jumpering ABS light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Jumpering ABS light


Active Member
October 30, 2008
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2003 Ford Explorer, AIRBAG light on, showing code #b2292 I've read in some other posts that the light can be jumpered for it to go completely off. Will this work for this code and 2003 Ford Explorer. If so, how is done again, and where are the wires to do this?

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Jeff, you're posting the same thing over and over in every thread that has anything to do with your air bag. Please post your problem/symptom/question in one place and you'll get a response. Double, triple, quadruple postings will NOT get you anything except deletions..


Now, do you actually have a code reader that reads body DTC's or did you get that from associating it with LFC 33? Either way, you have a drivers side seat belt pretensioner fault. Most of these are broken wiring/connectors or corrosion on the connector terminals. Has your SRS activated recently and you replaced the bags but not the belts?

You CAN NOT jumper it and make the lamp go out. The lamp will not go out until the SRS is repaired, or the bulb burns out. Then it'll beep at you until you replace the bulb.......

Sorry about the multiple postings. I'm in the process of selling this vehicle and am just anxious and frustrated.

I did have a mechanic use a scanner to pull the code, and the code I am getting is B2292. The actual airbag has never went off and no replacement of such has taken place.

The airbag light starts to flash when I start up the vehicle. It flashed several times, in 3 blinking increments, for about 10 times, but always stay lit after the seatbelt light goes off.

I inspected both of the yellow connectors under each seat, and they seem fine. I did notice that once I disconnect them and then reconnect them, and then start up the vehicle...the light won't come on or flash. But once I turn the vehicle off, then back on, it starts again.

I'm also having an issue with the ABS light. The scanner pulled code # C1440. The cruise control will not work either. It seems the majority of this problem lies with the Master Cylinder switch, or the speed sensor on the rear differential. I'm hoping it's the Master Cyl switch because it's cheaper, haha.

To be honest, I'm most concerned with getting the ABS light off and the cruise control working again. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

One of the possible faults indicated by C1440 is the brake pressure switch on the master cylinder, which also will cause your cruise control to fail.................

I still think your SRS problem is under the seat or in the wiring in that immediate area.

Pinpoint Test P: DTC C1440 (ABS Only) — Pressure Transducer Signal Fault

Normal Operation
The brake pressure switch provides an additional speed control deactivation if the brake pedal position (BPP) switch fails. When the brake pedal is pressed, 1700 kPa (246 psi) of brake fluid pressure in the brake master cylinder opens the brake pressure switch, removing B+ voltage to the speed control servo electric clutch.

Possible Causes
circuit 10 (LG) open
circuit 307 (BK/YE) open, short to power
ABS module
brake pressure switch
speed control deactivator switch


...i know where the brake pressure switch is on the master cylinder, but I also have a brake switch on the brake pedal itself...is that what you're referring to?

No, on the master cylinder, that's the pressure switch. The one on the pedal is technically called a BPP (Brake Pedal Position) switch. Good probability replacing the switch on the master cylinder will fix both problems. Be sure they give you the black switch and not the red one. Should be a SW-5957 Motorcraft ..... I think.

Well, I bought the Master Cylinder switch, and the light hasn't come on yet. YET! Haha. Quick question...do I need to reset the computer after installing the new master cylinder switch? Or does the ABS check itself during every startup? I can only reset by removing the battery terminal(s)...fyi.

Now if I can get this Airbag light (code B2292) to go off. I'm selling it in the next 2 days and just want the damn light off.

Any suggestions?

I hope you're not trying "jimmy rig" the airbag system just to get the light goes off and then sell the vehicle. If so, you are probably going to be in world of hurt if the occupants sustain injury due to faulty or improper airbag operation.

Of course not. I guess I should have said "I just wish I knew I what to fix to get the light off".

Remove and replace the master cylinder pressure switch and that's it! No need to disconnect battery. Your cruise control show work after this.

Airbag light, B2292 and 33 Flashing Light code? Light Flashing Code (LFC) 33 = (Driver seat pretensioner fault)


The TSB is for Explorers

Article No.


(DTC) B2292

2002-2003 EXPLORER


Some 2002-2003 4Dr Explorer/Mountaineer vehicles may exhibit an air bag warning lamp illuminated with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) B2292 and Light Flashing Code (LFC) 33 (Driver seat pretensioner fault) OR LFC 34 (Passenger seat pretensioner fault). This may be caused by intermittent pretensioner connection at either seat belt buckle.

Install pretensioner kit for affected side(s) by build date/color. Refer to the following Service Information for details.


Obtain correct Service Kit and refer to instruction sheet included with kit for installation instructions.

2002 Model Year Through 3/3/02 Build Dates

^ Medium Dark Parchment 1L2Z-78610E22-AAA

^ Midnight Black 1L2Z-78610E22-AAB

^ Dark Graphite 1L2Z-78610E22-AAC

2002/2003 Model Years 3/4/02 Through 1/17/03

^ Medium Dark Parchment 1L2Z-78610E22-BAA

^ Midnight Black 1L2Z-78610E22-BAB

^ Dark Graphite 1L2Z-78610E22-BAC

ABS=Antilock Braking System NOT Airbag system! :)


Sorry about the multiple postings. I'm in the process of selling this vehicle and am just anxious and frustrated.

I did have a mechanic use a scanner to pull the code, and the code I am getting is B2292. The actual airbag has never went off and no replacement of such has taken place.

The airbag light starts to flash when I start up the vehicle. It flashed several times, in 3 blinking increments, for about 10 times, but always stay lit after the seatbelt light goes off.

I inspected both of the yellow connectors under each seat, and they seem fine. I did notice that once I disconnect them and then reconnect them, and then start up the vehicle...the light won't come on or flash. But once I turn the vehicle off, then back on, it starts again.

I'm also having an issue with the ABS light. The scanner pulled code # C1440. The cruise control will not work either. It seems the majority of this problem lies with the Master Cylinder switch, or the speed sensor on the rear differential. I'm hoping it's the Master Cyl switch because it's cheaper, haha.

To be honest, I'm most concerned with getting the ABS light off and the cruise control working again. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
