Kyle's 4406 T-Case swap! | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Kyle's 4406 T-Case swap!

So the power steering shutter that I was having. Was dirty fluid and a clogged screen in the reservoir. I pulled the fluid out and noticed that the screen that is in the reservoir was plugged with just crap from bad fluid and things. So Pulled the reservoir off the truck and cleaned it really well then put it back on the truck.
Here are some pics if the screen and the crap plugging it.


The red arrow is where the screen is clean from where my sucker gun sucked and the yellow arrow is all the dirty crap you can see how much crap was in there. I think what was happening is when the pump would demand fluid when it was asked to work the dirty screen wouldn't allow the fluid to come through and feed the pump so it would let air in and thats where I was getting my shutter from.

So back on the truck and put new fluid in and worked the air out of the system and then sucked it back out new fluid in then work in, on and on until I had gone through a quart of new fluid. Now the fluid at least looks red again. I will drive it for a day then pull it out and run some more new in and do that for a few days until I get this other quart gone through. Then the system should be good to go. The truck turns better than I EVER remember it is SO smooth and can't fell the big tires when turning when stopped and things its great!!!! So nice, o the things that age and miles do to our trucks. See how clean the screen is and the fluid is the right color !! :)

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oh sure now you post this, after I just installed all new power steering into my 96!
LOL I didnt clean that sucker!

No one has anything to say about my comment about the 4x4 wiring harness being found in 5.0L's?

Anymore information on it?

The 4WD wiring is evidently almost all there. You of course have to add/change the GEM/4WD/TOD modules, the transfer case harness, and two wires under the hood. I didn't know about the wires mentioned above at the TC for the dash indicator. I thought that those were in the trucks harness already too.

No one has anything to say about my comment about the 4x4 wiring harness being found in 5.0L's?

Anymore information on it?

The wiring for the dash lights are there. The wires that run from the dash lights to the gem ARE there. The wires from the GEM down to the t case and things are not there. So its not like a connector is there and you can just plug it in. The T Case (manual) will have a switch indicator on it you just have to run wires from that switch on the T Case to the wires that go into the GEM. MountaineerGreen has a way on his write up that shows how to do it with a relay that works great! I did it on mine. You can see the picks of the lights working a few posts back i put some pics up. Post 139
Here is the link to Mountaineergreens write up on the T Case swap.

Go to post #18 It shows how to do it and how it works and is exactly how I hooked mine up. Really easy to do.

Changed the front diff gear oil yesterday when I did the power steering and it was pretty bad. Not gritty or anything but defiantly dirty from 90,000+ miles. Just used a rose gun (sucker gun) and a piece of 3/8 fuel line so I could stick it in the fill hole and past the pinion shaft and down to the bottom of the diff and got almost all of it out so got 80% of the capacity changed and will run that for a bit then change it again.

How much did you pay for the tcase and driveshafts all together?

$450 But my driveline shop owed me a favor so they built my front shaft for free. Worth the swap for the 4 low is great with the V8 doesnt have to work at all to climb anything even sand hills

K starting a new project!!! :) This one is my Rock Sliders. All the steel is ordered and will be here tomorrow. So I hope to get started with the mounts tomorrow. Here is the link to the thread I just started on this buildup.
Check it out and add suggestions if you see where I can do it better or easier.
Thanks guys!

i got all my stuff and was going to do mine tomorrow.looking everything over i realized my rear drive shaft has a balancer on the slip will never clear the gas tank.i didnt mess with it because its so cold out but dose any one know if the balancer will press off?

is it a rubber dampner? if so it could be removed, but then i would question whether the shaft would be balanced, you might want to call a couple driveshaft/axle shops and ask around.

Did a new trans mount today, the old one was defiantly shot. You can wiggle the mount in your hands. And it was bent! I think that this came or would have to have come when the front drive shaft insinigrated at 75 mph. The CV locked up and so would wobble so it was shifting the engine and trans back and forth that is why the mount is bent I think. Anyways new one is in and looks great :) it did help and holds the T-Case off that tank bracket :) You can see where that little bar that goes across it is bent when it should be straight like you see on the new mount. You can see the difference between the top two red arrows.


Good find, that $22 part isn't as strong as a urethane mount, but much better than the old stuff.

I know wish that I could find a urethane one for the truck. Would be nice to have but for $17 it was good to change :) When that shaft locked up it screwed a bunch of things up.

Yes, I looked also but between that and Jamie not having found something, this works I guess.

Yep no one has found a universal one that we can modify to even work. Bet tons would jump on that if we found one that would work.

With a bodylift, would I be able to put this thing in without having to smash up the body, or mess with the gas tank bracket people usually cut or bend off? In other words, simple bolt on with no modification?

Body bumping would be out for sure that would be very minimal with a body lift. Just the hole for the shifter to go through. But you will have to bend the Gas tank bracket. The body lift does not move any of that. Its really easy to do ten min is all, it has to come out to get the T-Case in anyways.

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I always thought the gas tank was mounted to the body? Hm.. I guess I'm gonna have to go take a look at that.. Looks like thick metal to deal with?? (from the pictures anyways) I was going to pick up a dremel kit this friday for my cutting and grinding needs.. you think that would be too weak for this tough stuff?
