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Larger gas tank for an Explorer


Elite In Memoriam
January 17, 2001
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 XLT
I had found a source of a 30 gallon tank for my '99 but they discontinued it, Does anyone know of a source of larger gas tanks?


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If you get your Ex back up to 30 mpg, and put in a 30 gallon tank, you'll be getting almost 1000 miles per tank. Doesn't that seem like overkill to you? :p

hwo do u get 30 mpg? putting it in neutral and pushing it? lOL

Originally posted by jssong
hwo do u get 30 mpg? putting it in neutral and pushing it? lOL

lol that would be the way to do it

I beleive the Bronco II uses a larger fuel tank than explorers do. But you'll run into problems with the fuel level sender and fuel pump because your '99 doesn't have a return line.

what bout on a 94 jason?

Originally posted by diablo5969
If you get your Ex back up to 30 mpg, and put in a 30 gallon tank, you'll be getting almost 1000 miles per tank. Doesn't that seem like overkill to you? :p

No, I make long road trips of about 1k miles.

Originally posted by Mustangc1923
what bout on a 94 jason?
'94 will likely work. Or you could add the bronco II tank as a secondary (but you wouldn't have room for your spare). I beleive Cory L. is doing something like this.

I am looking for an aftermarket replacement tank, I do not want to adapt one from another model.
