Let's see, what can I powdercoat today? | Page 85 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Let's see, what can I powdercoat today?

nissan wiper 1.jpg
nissan wiper 2.jpg
nissan wiper 3.jpg
I have been practicing with my powdercoating system. So, today I thought I'd coat the wipers on my Wife's Nissan--might as well hit the ones on the Mounty also--

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Have then send you a picture of the complete engine. Better yet, a video of it idling.
I will. It'll be a while. He's now doing the plumbing for dual 84 lb injectors.

Why powder is better than liquid.

For me. I can clean powder with air, broom and vacuum. If I try to beat the clock, I could be shooting another color in same gun, less than 3 minutes.

Silly cerecote. You want gloves, but you have to weigh the paint and hardener. Last batch was 126 grams paint, 3.9 grams hardener. Gotta pull calculator up on phone, gloves gotta come off. Then hurry to mix, you only have so much time now. Forget glove. Start spraying. Spray so much you think surely I'm running out so you pull the cap off spray gun to find it's still nearly full, and of course dribble some out. Feels cold. Keep spraying, get all parts coated and hanging for flash time.

Then that drip doesn't feel so cold anymore.

Definitely, watch the hootus if you mess with this.


A local company makes this quality product.
The B&W Tow and Stow hitch.

Lots of features, adjustable, ball choice, stow it so you don't remind yourself you have a shin.

Shown here in all it's done work glory.

Tow position.

Stow, save the shin position

Disassembled, showing pins which hold all in place




Now, this would have been fine for years to come hauling a horse trailer on gravel roads.

However, a local to me, member of this forum , @Risky Bizness , scored this on the cheap, for his sexy new Adrenaline. Don't think he has a horse.



So. For my next stunt. Redo a hitch.

Self cleaning oven , aka, powdercoat stripper

3 hour cycle, 2:hr cool for door unlock

Vacuum, then blast clean


While powder cures in oven, clean balls

Clean pins.

After cooling, assemble

I've got one! Now I know who I'm sending it to to get blinged out! 😁

I met with Jon, and we talked a bit about the hitch. And I basically told him to do whatever he wanted. Was hoping for something unique. I do believe he captured that thought. As you could see the original hitch was solid black.

This will be the only one around here that looks like that.

As stated these are a quality made hitch that is made about a mile from my house.

THANK-YOU Jon for doing a great job !!!!!!!!!

I don't use it a ton, but it's nice that I could get rid of all of my old hitch balls and always have what I need with me. My brother told me about these. It's great!

Nice 👍 👍👍

FYI, I had Jon powder coat the wiper arms on both of our Sport Tracs. Look GREAT !!! I recommend it !!!!!!!
AS usual, he did an excellent job !!!!!!

This changed up my shop

Rough Country Chevrolet Silverado lift kit, powder coated with Prismatic Heavy silver base coat, corkey pink candy top coat.

The color flops from orange, to red, to pink. The pink follows you with the highlights


Amazing work, as always

I would have thought that was a chick's truck until I saw the license plate.
The girlfriend is a manicurist , in demand. Color choice was hers

The girlfriend is a manicurist , in demand. Color choice was hers
Horrible decision. Never let a girlfriend decide on things you will own for a while. They will leave a mark long after they're gone.

Horrible decision. Never let a girlfriend decide on things you will own for a while. They will leave a mark long after they're gone.
True. If I told him that though I would not have the green. He'll learn on his own

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