Liberator ATs vs. PC All Terrains | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Liberator ATs vs. PC All Terrains

I'm looking for 31s for winter and I've narrowed it down to two tires. Both seem like a good deal. #1. Liberator ATs from Walmart, $77/tire works out to be $311 40,000mile warranty, $40 more and I get the tire protection plan for a grand total of $380 with tax and all. #2 Pro Comp All Terrains- First of the year the place(independant shop) gets them Buy 3 get 1 free. $115/tire, works out to be $370. Sooo, 10 bucks more I get flat repair, Free balancing anytime, free rotating and some other crap, plus they said the tires were made by Michelin. Looks like the Liberator has the better tread(more open) but the PC has a 50k mile warranty, which these tires aren't going to be run much, winter only and I don't drive a whole lot. So give me some input!! Here are some pics!


Pro Comps:

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the liberators look better

The Pro Comp seem to have much MORE sipes than the Liberator! Sipes are important when it comes to snow AND Ice!!! Whats the DEPTH of the threads??? Modern day snow and Ice tires have THOUSANDS of sipes in the thread!!! Just a thought!
BTW: None of the Wallys in my area carry tires!!! I didn't even know they sold tires!

Get the pro comps. Letting Wal-mart do ANY work on your car(even changing tires) is not a good idea IMHO.

Plus procomp is a good name, never heard of the other tire.

i just called walmart about those exact tires. I got a price of $51.96 each, including the protection plan. check out the good luck

ProComp hands down.

Little late there dude! I went with a cheap, off name brand and they are awsome in the snow. Which is what I wanted!

I just took my Liberators off for some pro comp muds, but the Liberators served me well through about 60000 miles and still have a fair amount of tread left. i will be giving the liberators to my grandfather to use on his farm truck. go for the liberators.
p.s. I am an avid skier, so i know how they do in snow and ice- about average a/t. this winter in colorado had some pretty good snows that i never got stuck in.

Liberators rock! I have the exact same tires you bought and they are awesome on road, off road, everywhere! And they look badass too! They really are awesome tires, and I recently learned they are actually a private line of Michelins for Wal-Mart only. Sweet, huh? Congrats on your great purchase. Also, if you don't mind, take pictures please! :D Later.

rino351- Already bought tires. Wal-Mart wouldn't put 31s on the Explorer.

Here are a few pics!


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Wait a minute....those aren't Liberators! What's goin on here?!?!

IAmTodd said:
Little late there dude! I went with a cheap, off name brand and they are awsome in the snow. Which is what I wanted!

HELLO!? Refer to my earlier post!! Please read!

My bad man, I thought the cheap off brand WAS the Liberators. Wonder why they wouldn't put the 31's on, they put 31" Liberators on mine.

They just fear lawsuits from explorer owners because of previous rolling incidents. I had the same tire problem with Discount Tires who would not put a 30x9.50 on my Explorer, so I had to take it down the street to Big O Tires. Good thing they don't care about my life and well-being and got them mounted up no problem!

i'd buy the Liberators, but i wouldn't have them put on at wal-mart

Ford_Racing_Guy said:
i'd buy the Liberators, but i wouldn't have them put on at wal-mart

At the time we were debating on that. But decided against giving them my money! It all worked out though!

I went with some 33" ProComps when they had the 4 for 3 deal. I had WallyWorld do the mount, balance, and install with no problems. Of course I was never more than 20' from the truck so they made sure to do it right.
