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Lift Kit Ideas and Tires

I run 36x14.50x15 but they are like 37s with 4.88s and a d35 with stock manual hubs ,aussie locked front and rear and have wheeled it pretty hard and after a year and running one locked all the time i think the one i run locked is finally going bad.its all how you drive.i guarantee with my setup,unless you are doing rock crawling you won't have a problem and if you do you shouldn't be there 6'1" and my truck stands real big for a dd.

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Thanks for all the input guys! Slowly but surely I am putting ideas together; No need to rush things.

Slowly but surely

So I have turned my $1000 4x4 explorer into an almost error free machine: I have currently added new bushings to the rear window to make them roll up & replaced a door hinge so there is no sag. Now its time to take on some mods. I collected the ideas that I want to do & what I feel like I am capable of doing and drew a conclusion for now. May change things as I learn more.

First real mod: Speakers (I bought 4 new rockford fosgate T1682 6x8 speakers yesterday; thats 640 watts of pure rock madness!!!) I can not handle these 1991 paper speakers no longer (They crackle & one doesn't even work). So once I get this CD Player in this week and new speakers we are going to the second mod.

Next mod: 4-5" lift kit; from what I have read it seems like skyjacker is the way to go. The problem is that I can't find a 4" skyjacker lift KIT for the ford explorer. Also I am pretty confused on what type of lift kit is the best type (suspension, body????) I really have no idea. I want a kit that I can install that has pretty good directions. Any help would do.

All depends on the budget and what type of four wheeling you do.o and tires size

tire size / budget

trying to stay under $700 on the lift kit

Tire size: Pretty set on 35's (I believe from what I have read this is the biggest I can go with out any SAS)

Do you plan on trimming fenders?you will need atleast 5.5-6" of lift.epends on width and offset also.i know even with 5.5" of lift i had to trim to fit 33x12.50 but every truck is different.i would say get the 6 skyjacker lift bit dont see you staying under $700 with everything needed,even with a soa in the rear.your need gears also or she will be a dog

I know nothing about re-vamping gears on a vehicle; is it something i could figure out & how easy are they to access?

I really don't want to cut my fenders if I don't have to; 91 first gen 4wd explorer thats flawless on the body.

Well 35s "may" not clear but again every truck is different and depends on width and offset.your need atleast 6" and could allways add body lift if they do rub bad and you dont wanna cut fenders.gears are not a do at home first timer thing and are VERY Expensive.what gears to you have now?

I have no idea what kind of gears I have; all I know is 1st,2nd,3rd,4th, and 5th :( Tell me how to find this information out and I will this weekend.

I thought hard this evening at dinner about cutting my fenders; I figured what the hell its not a collectors item LMAO its my 4-wheel mo-bile!! :salute: Will cut fenders for bigger tires!!!

So this is what I know: I want 35 inch wheels; will a 4-inch lift work or should I go to 6 inch?

How much are we talking about for gears???

I would go 6,it will use a soa for the rear.there is a tag on you axle cover or on the drivers door.get that code and post it.most shops will charge $500-$1000 per axle!! Its not something you would have to do right away tho.


how much can it be done for on my own with the help of a mechanic.

Will look on axle cover tmmrw for info. Just walked in the door and its right at 11PM here.

As far as the 6inch lift what brand?

All depends on what gears and if you get a locker.gears run about $150-350 + master install kits$80-15 per axle.skyjacker makes a good kit for the price.james duff is about top notch but top price,only two i would some searching
