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linking to old threads


Well-Known Member
January 25, 2006
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Toledo, Ohio
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when writing a new post, how do you add a link to an older thread in the post?

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Right click the address of the old post in the address bar, scroll down to copy, left click copy. Then, In the body of your new post, right click and paste where you want it to go.

For instance, when i start my SAS thread, i want to make a link to my axle build-up thread. i have seen people title them like "axle build-up" and they are blue, and when you click on it, it takes you to their thread on that subject.

just like froader did to my axle thread and i want to title it.

You have to click to little "insert link" icon at the top of the post text box. A prompt will ask you for the URL and then the display text.

Another way.

Got to the thread you want to link to.
Copy the url.
Go to the thread you want to put the link in.
Write this:


  • Picture 3.png
    Picture 3.png
    4.8 KB · Views: 73

thats awesome. now i just have to remember that. and start my SAS of course:D

My Axle Build-Up Thread

just trying the other way. i think i like the "insert Link" button better. that way i have less to remember. Thanks for the help.
