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Looking at buying a bike.


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August 30, 2001
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Sykesville, MD
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I've been thinking about buying a bike for a little while now and wondered what I should be looking for. I've been looking at Honda Shadows mostly, is there any other bikes I should be considering?

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:nono: no no, you should get a mountain bike :) ahahah!

Are you a beginning rider? Experienced rider? How tall are you? Since your looking at Shadows I take it your looking for a cruiser bike instead of a sport bike.

IZwack said:
:nono: no no, you should get a mountain bike :) ahahah!

Already have a tricked out hoo-koo-e-koo.

I definantly don't want a crotch rocket, I'm a first time rider, 170lbs 6ft. I have no idea what to look for really, I've just started looking. Most Shadows I've been looking at are around 750, it's may just be me but 750 sounds kind of small.

My bike when I lived in Florida was 96 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-11
was an amazing bike.
I said was because after having 2 little old ladies run into me I gave up with that.
thank god it was nothing more than scratches all minor...

I had alwasy wanted one of them "ninja" since I was in high school. It was really fun especially in Florida. must say girls love those bikes.

Japanese 750s are plenty big. Some may suggest a bike in the 650 range or even smaller. My first bike was a 87 Shadow 700 but I did have some experience with dirt bikes. Damn I'm gettin' old! What really sucks about bikes is that you can't really test drive them like cars. Go to every dealer and sit on every bike in the cruiser line so you can see how they feel to you. Some dealers have strict signs saying "no sitting" so just grab a sales person and let them know you want to sit on the bikes. First time buying is somewhat intimidating because well, you're the Newbie in the showroom :D No one ever likes being the newbie so just tell the sales person it's your first bike so you can get over that feeling. You will be able to tell a lot by how he/she treats you and if they are a bike snob- **** em'.
Even if you are buying used you can still browse the dealers because you will learn which dealer has the best service 'cause you're going to need a place to service your bike at some time.
Any friends that have a bike? I guess you would be asking them instead.
Good luck. A riding school/class is never a bad idea.

I have a couple of friends with bikes but they're all back in AZ, I've just moved to Louisiana and I don't know any one here yet. I talked to one person today who has a shadow vlx and he said they're really nice bikes. I got a chance to sit on it and it was a bit small for me though it was a 600, I thinking a 750 is a little better for someone my size.

just get a honda rebel or a used harley sportster

Even the 750s have a low seat height. Just keep sitting on the bikes until you find the one that fits. The power wont be a problem. Does the Army require the riding school? My dad was AF and for me to be able to ride on base I had to take a week long riding course. Of course I hated it at the time, what do want from a teenager, but I did learn quite a bit from it. ;)

Ok ya can't put those two bikes in the same sentence :D The Rebel is a 250cc death trap!!! I only say this because it can't get out of it's own way. If you weigh about 50lbs, maybe this is a good bike but otherwise I find those bikes dangerous for anyone over 125lbs. I borrowed a friend's for a quick ride and NEVER in my life was I more afraid for my life; give it gas...no go...= NO Good. Won't be able to get the hell out of the way of that idiot in front/back/side of you that does something stupid.

Sportsters are 883 and 1200. Nice but $$$

Gotta go I'm havin a Honda Rincon delivered to my house :D

93liftedXLT said:
just get a used harley sportster

YUCK.. chrome and loud and you have to wear one of them stupid helmets and of coure you never see a guy on a harley without all his harley garb on wh can a guy ride a harley without a harley shirt on lol

750 is too much bike for a newbie, trust these guys and me on this one. My dad has a Honda Magna 750 and that thing friggin screws. Bike is pictured here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/e...d=1,1&item=4542518561&sspagename=STRK:MEUS:IT

My dad is 6' 2" and 225 lbs and it fits him size-wise like a glove. Also he has been riding since he was 16 and he would never recommend a bike with that big of cajones to a beginning rider. Start out with something small, you'll be better of for it. Ride the small dorky bike for a year or 2 then go for the gusto and get a Shadow or a Magna.

That Magna is nice, I'm still not sure what I should do. I sat on a Shadow JLX 600 today and it's kinda small for me. I dunno if a 750 will be to much bike for me. The bike I sat on today belonged to one of my mom's friends, she's i'm guessing 5'5 and alot lighter than me and her first bike was this Shadow. Maybe I'm way off but I'm sure I've got 50 lbs on this lady and I'm confident I can handle a 750. Though I could just be retarted. :p

Hey, its all about what feels comfortable to you. If you feel comfortable on a 750 and are confident that you can handle it, then go for it.

btw, the magna is still for sale ;) :D

Do not buy a new bike as your first

Trust me. Dont do it. There are reasons. Other than that, a 750 Shadow would be a really nice first bike. Just dont get a brand new one. :D

Doug this is my co-workers Shadow that I was talking about 1100cc

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


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Knowing how Doug drives....he should start with this.... :D


JDraper said:
Knowing how Doug drives....he should start with this.... :D


YOU'RE critisizing MY driving ???? :confused: I've so many stories about your driving that I don't think I want to ride with you! :p

Jamest, are you speaking from experience??

SVO, that bike is nice I would definantly take something like that.

I'm not going to get a new bike as my first bike I've been looking for used ones on ebay.

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My step brother had a shadow 750 and it was really nice. Came with lots of chrome and rode like a dream. Me on the other hand.........hehehe

