Looking for Opinions on Painting Over Chrome | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking for Opinions on Painting Over Chrome


Active Member
October 16, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Ringgold, Georgia
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Ford Explorer XL 4WD
Despite my X recently taking some abuse, I'm hoping to clean her up a little and maybe do some paint work as well. The big decision I'm wondering about is weither or not I should paint my chrome bumpers and trim black.

I like the look of the black wheels, but I like the chrome accents and am worried about it being to dark and looking weird if I black out the chrome.

The hood paint is terrible but I might address that later. It is there to cover deep scratches and hide the primer that it exposed.

This peeling is the main reason I'm considering going black on all the chrome. I don't want to buy a new grill. I'm afraid a spray can chrome won't look good. But I'm not sure how black would look either. So I'm hoping for opinions and thoughts. How do you think black would look instead of chrome on my X? I know it all depends on the person, but opinions are still nice. PS. I plan to get rid of the side steps. They're rusting and the passenger one is bent.

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I think the black grille would look better than the peeling chrome grille. It would match your black rims. Not too sure about the bumpers. If you lightly sand all the chrome, it takes paint very well. Maybe just Plastidip the bumpers and see if you like it.

Personally I would paint the grill to match the wheels, then keep the chrome bumpers and get chrome center caps on the wheels.

I painted my chrome bumper black, I just sanded it first, and spraycanned it flat black. It’s been a few years and looks the same now as then.

Spray can chrome is junk. It's just silver from what I have tried.

Here is my Limited grill, painted satin black...

