Low Battery Warning | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Low Battery Warning


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
December 28, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Russell, Ontario (Ottawa area)
Year, Model & Trim Level
2023 Aviator Reserve 201A
Just 3 months after picking up my Explorer I'm already getting the battery warning. Unlike the warnings I was getting on my previous 2 vehicles with MFT that occurred upon shutdown, this warning now shows up on the Sync screen after getting into the vehicle and before startup. The blue bar in the photo scans across and when complete the warning disappears.



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After the radio was on a different station again upon start up and the time was wrong, I finally decided to hook the charger up to the battery to see if the low battery condition was causing this. It took about 10+ hours at 2 Amps to charge the battery back up. Also the first time I had the clock reset automatically to the correct time, not that it has been wrong before. At least this low battery condition has been consistent on all 3 vehicles I've had lately.:D


Do you know what caused your battery drain? Did it prevent the car from working or only the touch screen on the nav / entertainment system. It was only 3 months old.

Do you know what caused your battery drain? Did it prevent the car from working or only the touch screen on the nav / entertainment system. It was only 3 months old.
I've had this same warning come up in my 2011 Limited and my 2014 MKT. It has never prevented anything from working or the vehicle from starting. I just recently had it come up again a couple times. The first time I found the radio on a different station again. The only thing that I can attribute it to is that I don't drive my vehicles enough to keep the battery fully charged all the time. I picked the vehicle up on October 31st and just went over 3000 km (1865 mi.) this week in 7+ months.
My last fillup was April 19th and I still have just over a 1/4 tank left.


I bet you work at home (like me)! I averaged around 5,800 kilometres per year in my Dodge Magnum.

I bet you work at home (like me)! I averaged around 5,800 kilometres per year in my Dodge Magnum.
WORK??? I retired from the government (RCMP) at 55. That was 15 years ago. Unfortunately even in retirement there is always some work to do around the house. I'm in a small town just outside of the city and don't always have to drive every where. Once the minor hockey season is over it isn't unusual for the Explorer to sit in the garage for 4 or 5 days. We seem to be in the same annual mileage bracket. A trip into Ottawa is an adventure! :thumbsup:


I've had this same warning come up in my 2011 Limited and my 2014 MKT. It has never prevented anything from working or the vehicle from starting. I just recently had it come up again a couple times. The first time I found the radio on a different station again. The only thing that I can attribute it to is that I don't drive my vehicles enough to keep the battery fully charged all the time. I picked the vehicle up on October 31st and just went over 3000 km (1865 mi.) this week in 7+ months.
My last fillup was April 19th and I still have just over a 1/4 tank left.

You definitely don't drive it enough to keep the battery charged. I'm doing just under 1000km per month and I fill up weekly, no battery problems here.
