Mercon V or Mercon 3? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mercon V or Mercon 3?

Ford used to think people liked to feel their trans shift. They then didnt put any friction modifiers in the fluid. They have started adding the modifiers 5 or more yrs ago. I think the B & M trick shift is just non-modified fluid.

AMSOIL ATF meets Mercon and Mercon V. Lowers temperatures 20 to 60 degrees F and is guaranteed for three times longer.
If you change out at 30,000 you can run this to 90,000. Since it prevents carbon buildup it also keeps older units clean and removes sludge on the friction bands.

We have a contract with three of the cities here in Dallas that use the ATF. One is University Park. AMSOIL solved the transmission overheating problems.

If you pull loads you really notice the difference as the lower temps allow for better power transfer.

A 2.5 gallon jug costs about $68 and I can sell the 5 gallon box for $115. We also have commercial prices if you own a business..

we also have a type F for older fords.

Give us a call


So is Mobil 1 Fully Synthetic ATF ok for my 2001 with the 5R55E transmission. It says Mercon V but i want to go with Fully Synthetic will this harm my truck at all.
