Mercon V or Dexron III | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mercon V or Dexron III


New Member
March 18, 2004
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City, State
Newark, New York
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT

I'm going to be flushing my tranny this week. Is it okay to use Mercon V tranny fluid in my 96 XLT 4.0 w/138k miles or should I stick with the Dexron III.

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Your 96 should use Mercon V..

The Mercon V spec for Explorers didn't start until 1997 with the introduction of the 5r55e.

BradE. said:
The Mercon V spec for Explorers didn't start until 1997 with the introduction of the 5r55e.

Ahh Didn't know that.. I thought it started in 1995 or 1996.

The specs for your truck are Mercon III. However, Merc V will work well and is recommended if you've had a rebuild.

just to double check; a 98 with a 5r55e WILL use mercon V, right?

Dextron is for GM vehicles as I understand it?

00XLS said:
Dextron is for GM vehicles as I understand it?

Yes but the Mercon and Dextron must be the same since most ATFs are labled on the same bottle.

tbomb said:
just to double check; a 98 with a 5r55e WILL use mercon V, right?

bump. anyone?

So with my 96?

Well the Haynes manual just says Mercon V for all. It does not state different fluids for different years. Does this mean that Mercon V can be used even if the earlier models did not use it. So with my 96 I should be fine with using Mercon V right?

IIRC, the Mercon V spec started with the 4R44E in 95. Previous years with the A4LD used Mercon/Dexron III, which is a dual specification fluid for both GM and Ford.

If in doubt, check the dipstick. It will clearly state if Mercon V is required.

my 97 5R55E is running Dextron, I had the trans rebuilt a few months back and thats what they told me to use, so im using it.... works fine for me

It says what type you should use on your dipstick. I have a 97 and it says to mercon V. I ran dexron III and it shifted wrong. Once I added a friction modifier to the fluid (makes it Mercon V without the big pricetag) now its running great

caldi55 said:
It says what type you should use on your dipstick. I have a 97 and it says to mercon V. I ran dexron III and it shifted wrong. Once I added a friction modifier to the fluid (makes it Mercon V without the big pricetag) now its running great

How was she shifting wrong on raw dextron? You have a SOHC with a 5R55E right?

It wouldn't upshift untill it was atleast 1000rpm higher than normal. The hotter it got (from sitting cold) the worse it became it was even slipping a little.
