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Well-Known Member
January 7, 2010
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Hamilton, Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 Eddie Bauer 4.6
Has anyone ever figured out how the @%$& mice get into these vehicles. I have spent considerable time trying to find out without success. I have even filled the vent holes behind the rear lights with steel wool. Still keep catching them inside the vehicle and it is parked inside an attached garage. And yes I do live in the woods.

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The little *******s are cunning. I guess they can get in a hole the size of a dime. I've been told that if you put dryer sheets in the vehicle they will stay out. My brother does that in his boat and there has been no mice since.

Has anyone ever figured out how the @%$& mice get into these vehicles. I have spent considerable time trying to find out without success. I have even filled the vent holes behind the rear lights with steel wool. Still keep catching them inside the vehicle and it is parked inside an attached garage. And yes I do live in the woods.

Toss a cat into the garage and you'll be mice free! It's that or do it like TV's "Turtle Man" and let a hungry Rat snake run free for a night in the garage. Yee-yee-yee Live Action! :D

Toss a cat into the garage and you'll be mice free! It's that or do it like TV's "Turtle Man" and let a hungry Rat snake run free for a night in the garage. Yee-yee-yee Live Action! :D

LOL seems like the most reasonable solution

I have had the same problem with my camper and both cars. Tried the dryer sheets and they made a nest out of it. Once a blacksnake got into the camper. No mice but creeped us out. I found something called Fresh Cab invented to keep mice out of farm machinery cabs. It's worked so far plus it's non toxic to pets. They have a money back guarantee so I wasn't afraid to try it.
