MIO c320 GPS | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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MIO c320 GPS


DIY stunt double
Staff member
Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty
OK, Santa bought Mrs Smith a MIO 320.

We used it for a trip yesterday, and it did great for the trip there. On the way home, however, it wanted me to take dirt roads, creating an entirely random, and zig zag path home if I would have taken the directions. What did I do wrong? Is anyone familiar with this thing enough to tell me the option I selected to cause this? It almost acted like it was deliberately directing me away from paved highways.

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Hey Jon I just got a Garmin nüvi 205W and mine is awesome. There should be a setting for avoiding hwys and interstates. Look for that

GPS units are not perfect for the most part, most will make errors every now and then. Only time will tell how often your GPS unit makes errors.

GPS units are not perfect for the most part, most will make errors every now and then. Only time will tell how often your GPS unit makes errors.

You are correct about the not perfect part. Mine the other day tried sending me to wrong side of town cause the town had two roads with the same name. one was a road and the other a avenue. Luckily the people i was delivering to knew where they were located.;):p:

I think what you did wrong was buying a Mio :)

I've got an older one and while it's not bad, map updates are non-existent (for Canada anyway).

My next one will likely be a Garmin

The 320 is damn good. Do some searching about TTS and the 320. You can flash it with a different gps firmware and gain text to speach as well as a few other things. Takes just a few mins.

I have one and the only real complaint I have is how the power cord comes straight out of the bottom thus not letting you keep it super low on the windshield. A right angle usb adaptor and a tiny bit of cutting on the mount can cure this if it matters.
