2016 Explorer with MFT - Add Climate Control to Instrument Cluster | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2016 Explorer with MFT - Add Climate Control to Instrument Cluster


Explorer Addict
August 24, 2014
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16 Exp Sport
2016 Explorer with MFT - Add Climate Control/Temp to Instrument Cluster

I am going to be offering this mod to members here. This WILL require a dealer visit unless you have access to someone with Ford IDS programming software.

I am asking for a $10 Paypal donation for this but it is not required. I do have to spend some time altering your vehicle programming. Instructions will be provided for the IDS (dealer software) programmer.

As this is being offered to MEMBERS here you must send me a private message...I will not accept emails for this modification. You need to provide the VIN and email address.


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Is this 2016 only, or will it work on earlier years?

2016 as the title states

I'd really like to do this, will most dealers do this?

I can't speak for dealers but it is a simple process.

Any pictures of before and after? Don't quite understand what this mod does.

After pics only. Sorry had some issues posting from the phone.

Before would be no climate control.


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That would be a nice addition. Just wonder if my dealer would be "game".

Today I realized there was something else missing....the temp display

Added that...


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    Climate and Temp.jpg
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Hi...What exactly needs to be done? i have access to dealer.

I really like this, and it is a great addition to the display. I use the display all the time with the steering wheel controls. My wife is always telling me to keep my eyes on the road. She is the one that went off the road 20 years ago and hit a boulder, and totaled the car. Never got an explanation as to what happened, but surely she wasn't watching where she was going. :eek:

You send me a PM with your VIN and email address and I alter the programming for use with IDS. So either you need to take it to a dealer or someone who has IDS.

This is the same process used for adding options to the police interceptors...dealers usually will do it for those but then again perhaps its because they are dealing with LE rather than a "normal" customer.

As far as harming the vehicle...I test everything I do first...my Taurus and now my Explorer haven't ever been harmed....I even turned my Taurus into a Lincoln for a bit to test things...lol

I really like this, and it is a great addition to the display. I use the display all the time with the steering wheel controls. My wife is always telling me to keep my eyes on the road. She is the one that went off the road 20 years ago and hit a boulder, and totaled the car. Never got an explanation as to what happened, but surely she wasn't watching where she was going. :eek:

Similar thing happened to my wife years ago when she hit a tree. As for an explanation, she said "it wasn't my fault! I blew the horn!" :D

I am going to be offering this mod to members here. This WILL require a dealer visit unless you have access to someone with Ford IDS programming software.

I am asking for a $10 Paypal donation for this but it is not required. I do have to spend some time altering your vehicle programming. Instructions will be provided for the IDS (dealer software) programmer.

As this is being offered to MEMBERS here you must send me a private message...I will not accept emails for this modification. You need to provide the VIN and email address.


Would this work on the Platinum as well?

Would this work on the Platinum as well?

Wouldn't know without trying. I pulled up the programming and the layout is pretty much the same.

One thing I noticed with the Platinum programming....it shows it has global windows (open/close)(that is if the programming layout really is the same). Can you confirm if this works?

Wouldn't know without trying. I pulled up the programming and the layout is pretty much the same.

One thing I noticed with the Platinum programming....it shows it has global windows (open/close)(that is if the programming layout really is the same). Can you confirm if this works?

I don't know what that means -- global windows? I'll gladly confirm anything once I comprehend what you are asking :).

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Thanks for the link & no, it didn't work.
