Moab 2010, MAY 22-23 | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Moab 2010, MAY 22-23

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CDOT website says 1 lane open each direction??

I believe 1 lane is open both directions, however, I can tell ya this. Seemed a lil tight when I went through the last time. Im thrilled to do it in a nice concrete barricaded 1 lane. Wee!

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Oh I hate it when they do that. Makes you fel like your driving down a bobsled shute and anytime there is a rut in the road it makes you feel like your gonna get pulled right into the concrete barriers.

Ok so, I just went throught there and even in heavy traffic you are only looking at about 5 min longer to get through. If you want up to date info try

Yeah I went through there last week. No worries.

Four Explorers and one B2 from the wet side of Washington, all over 1000 miles to Moab - - not a bad showing for the NW crew. Hell, we may even win the "Most Explorers from One State" contest. . . :rolleyes:

Leaving five weeks from TOMORROW!!!!

'91 Sport

Leaving 5 weeks from tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!! for me. You're leaving earlier. I'm arriving thursday the 20th. Yeeeaaa.

Here is my update:
Staying in Canyonlands in the group tent site splitting with Brad (and his RZR posse), Mike aka MrBoyle. Probably got to dinner with group, unless we are on a trail since that is why I am crossing the midwest to play on some rocks.

I am super pumped, anticipation is slowly taking it's toll on me.

Here in a week or so when we're one month out or so we'll do a final roll call. If you already know your a for sure attendant, PM me with the following

Screen Name
Where your staying
Total # for dinner at the Branding Iron


Diff Whack Daddy
Canyonlands / pullthru

I will turn your name green, for a go, on the 1st post.

Sure would be nice to go. But I don't have my truck done, and it looks to be a looooong drive out there. One day I will get out west to wheel.

Yes it is a long drive but when you finally hit Denver it is just awesome. I wish I could pack up move to Colorado.

Yes it is a long drive but when you finally hit Denver it is just awesome. I wish I could pack up move to Colorado.

Most of the time I wish I could pack up and move back to Denver...

Just got my approved leave chit back. I knew it was gonna get approved, but there is nothing like holding it in your hands.

Just got my new axle in earlier this week. Its under the Jeep today. Monday I go and get the driveline shortened, tuesday test. Moab should be great, can't wait.

Sure would be nice to go. But I don't have my truck done, and it looks to be a looooong drive out there. One day I will get out west to wheel.

Do it. I did it last year for the first time from Chicago. Well worth it. I expected it to be 2-3yrs till I could get back and after sitting on it for awhile, I didn't wait and am going back this year. It's a nice drive. Iowa/Nebraska are pretty flat and get boring but there is quite a bit of nice driving out there. Once you hit Denver it rocks till the Ut. border. It's boring till Moab. Do what you can to get out there. WELL worth it, you'll hate the midwest mud very quickly. I really have no huge drive to get to the Badlands now.

Thanks for the road update guys! I should be out there with the jeep crew on the trails thurs-sat and hope to run into some of y'all at some point. We usually ar running some harder trails. I'm hoping for prichett this year ;) I need some new body work!

How many horsepower does that hood add?

4 weeks to go..... Curious what others are doing to get their rigs ready? I just did my rear disk brake conversion, and found a couple broken springs in my Powertrax locker. So it will have to come out again to replace them.

1. Swapped old '91 Sport rear leaf springs to same vintage four door version, relocated and flipped rear shocks and added Duff rear axle traction bars (thanks Kevin and Phil-bino).

2. Installed Borla replacement muffler and new exhaust.

3. Bench tested and had CB professionally tuned.

Still Required:
1. Tune-Up (oil, filters, plugs).

2. Tighten front hubs, grease bearings.

3. Check rear brakes.

4. Re-repair chunked up fender flare.

'91 Sport

1. Swapped passenger side steering knuckle due to lose hole for steering linkage.

2. Replaced front wheel bearings and races.

3. Cleaned and lubed lockouts.

4. Replace 10 year old front calipers on F-350 that were intermittently sticking.

5. Replaced front sway bar and track bar bushings on F-350.

Still Required:
1. Oil, filter and fuel filter change on F-350.

2. Check and refill camper propane.

3. Load up.

4. Hit the road.

Radiator gas test for exhaust gases (looking for blowin head gasket)
Complression test (again, looking for blown head gasket)
New spark plugs
New thermostat
repack front wheel bearings

Still to do;
Send in oil sample for analysis
Check wheel bearings on tent trailer
Stash beer in every cubby hole in trailer :D

re-balance tires

Sorry Chad- and everyone else, I have canceled my campsite reservation, after this last weekend and carnage to RZR wife not thrilled and I'm worried If I go on this trip she won't be at home when I return, so maybe next year..

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That sucks... I will call canyonlands and make a new reservation. No chance in your going?? It is still early and the carnage is still fresh. We had it all planned out to arrive early, try and talk her into it.......

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