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Moab Caravan

"I am out of time..." - - Bad way to start a post : ). Glad what was needed got done. You are gonna love this place.

The three of us got in yesterday, no significant issues but my serpentine belt is literally hanging on by a thread... Hopefully no damage to H2O pump. A little maintenance this a.m. and off to the trails.

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Paul thanks for all the great spotting and the use of your clevis I gave it to Phil to return to you.
Kevin can your truck run biodiesel?, I am thinking next year I may just rent a cabin and leave the camper at home and bring my own fuel.

That is not a bad idea. I don't see why it couldn't run biodiesel.

Paul thanks for all the great spotting and the use of your clevis I gave it to Phil to return to you..

Joe -

You could have just kept the clevis -- seemed to fit perfect and its actually too small to connect two straps... Its yours if you want it - - coming to Kevin's in June?

I am thinking next year I may just rent a cabin and leave the camper at home and bring my own fuel.

Now that's what I'm talking about - - Moab addiction! Not even back two days and already plotting next year's return...:D


Now that's what I'm talking about - - Moab addiction! Not even back two days and already plotting next year's return...:D


I've already thought about starting a new thread.

Total average MPG for the whole trip = 12.76 :D

Total average MPG for the whole trip = 12.76 :D

My first tank of fuel was 18.1 MPG (Moab to north of SLC); then I bumped the cruise control to 82 MPH (speed limit was 75), and the next tank averaged a whopping 14.3 MPG. . . :rolleyes: But hey, at least it can do 82 miles per hour . . .:p:


haha. wheres the pics?

On I-90
Elk Heights rest stop
Gas stop, eastern Wa
Rest stop camp


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Entering Utah, rest stop
30 miles to go!


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only around 350 something days +/- to go

About 11 months to go
