SoCal caravan to Moab? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SoCal caravan to Moab?


Elite Ranger
Staff member
Elite Explorer
July 14, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Omao, Kauai
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Ranger XLT 4X4
Wondering when all you socal people plan to leave for moab.

I plan to leave early Thursday, and drive all day. :rolleyes: I would be cool to drive up with one or more others.

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Plan right now is to leave eather Tuesday evening and get up to Barstow then do teh rest Wedensday. Or leave Wedensday Morning and try to get to moab wedensday night. I plan on wheeling in moab thursday-monday. Then monday night we are heading to Grand Junction to see Tracy's Grandma till Wedensday morning. Then from there try to be back in Fresno Wedensday night/thursday morning cause thursday Afternoon we are headed to the mountains outside of Fresno to do another wheeling trip. I sure hope I can keep the truck together through all of that :D

I might be heading to bakersfield CA after moab... depends on if any of my buddies come along or not

Colin, I'm planning on leaving moab sunday morn. But I'm taking monday off from work, in case I break down or want to stay another day. ;)

Same here, but I'll have a trailer. If I find out my friend's truck is 5th wheel capable (which I think it is), you want to split a two car trailer price and just ride with my dad and I? Just an idea...Dead Link Removed


hmmm, I thought I posted in here already. :confused:

John and I will be leaving after work Wed. night. We stop in St George and head up the rest of the way Thurs morning.

I am leaving the Friday before, heading to Prescott, then to the Grand Canyon, then Moab on Wednesday evening or Thursday morning. Coming back Sunday morning, hoping to drive straight through.

Sure. :thumbsup:

Ranger X,

Be sure to let Chris Glass know...He's down in Tijuana, and is planning to attend the Moab run. Have Fun!

Chris' X:


I'm leaving Wed. & stopping in Vegas for a little gambling & stripper action...OPPS! make that gambling ON the STRIP action :D

Then heading to Moab Thursday & ready for Fridays run.

I'll be staying till Monday.

Chris- Depending on when you're leaving Vegas Thursday, Bill and I could meet up with you along the way.

Sounds good! Check out is at 11 & I'll give you my cell # & you can let me know when you guys are getting close...
