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MPG Question.........

My 01 Sport gets just under 300 miles per tank full.
I avg between 70 - 75 mph on the h-way. I'm happy with the mileage I get.

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Mbrooks420 said:
I was under the impression the ac pump ran in all modes except floor only. I thought for sure I read that on here somewhere, but I have definately been wrong before. :)

Maybe it does on the 3rd gens. I know on mine, it only runs on A/C, Max A/C, and the defrost/floor combo. Why can't they just make it easy like on my parent's '96 Camry? You can have air blowing anywhere you want, with or without A/C. Much better system.

The problem with that is some people won't run the ac for 4 months during winter months and the seals in the ac will dry out. It's unfortunate they try and make cars foolproof.

I'm getting approx 17-19 mpg in mixed city/highway with the majoirity highway (60 commute to work). We run winter blend all the time here in the DC area, so that might contribute to the low mileage.

BTW here are the tire sizes:

-XLS, XLT: P235/70R16
-EB, LTD, NBX: P245/65R17

Don't go by the trip computer on the dash, its calibrated for smallest tires, no accessories and "normal" gas & driving conditions. They are never accurate. Still, at $1.85/gallon, there has to be something we can do about mileage. My 4Runner gets better, about 18/22 consistently.

I have an '03 Xlt with 29k on it, V8 and that 4x4 auto mode. I got 17.5 when I got it 8k ago and since have added cat back exhaust and K&N and now in best case scenario on highway I get 20mpg even with the always on 4x4 auto mode. 3.73 axle. I'd have that dealer fixing it asap. Somethings not right.

i dont know the conversion, but i get +/- 17L/100Km

DeRocha said:
I wouldn't trust the computer until you manually confirmed it. Fill up at the gas station and then re-set the trip odometer to zero. On The next fill up record the amount of gas needed along with your trip odometer reading. Divide the trip odometer mileage by the gallons you just put in and you will have your average miles per gallon.

Please do this and let us know how it goes. This is the only way to know your gas mileage. To be the most accurate fill up both times at the same gas station and at the same pump because diff pumps shut off sooner and the levelness of the ground will also come into play, but it doesn't matter as long as you go to the same pump.

at work (ford dealer) we have an 05 XLT 4x4 as the pool car (the one employess drive when they need to do errands on the clock) and its computer reports about 16-17 depends on where its been driven.

pm said:
Also alot of these people that are getting 20 mpg are driving 2wd's. I have a 95 and only get 13 maybe.

I have a '96 and I get around 17-20 MPG, and it's a 4x4

vervepipes said:
i dont know the conversion, but i get +/- 17L/100Km


liters × 0.2642= gallons, U.S.
kilometers × 0.6214= miles

(17 * 0.2642)/ (100 * .6214)

(4.49) / (62.14)

0.072 gallons / 1 mile

13.83 miles/gallon

~14 mpg

Also, as another data point: 1st gen, 4x4, 167k miles, normal fluids, stock except for heads, manual tranny: 21mpg.

The only real way to track mpg is to keep track of miles driven per fillup, over the course of a number of fillups. This will minimize the error you accumulate for any given fillup, and give you a solid indication of milage.
