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My 4.0 Build.....

I wouldn't get the 150 if I were you, trust me on this. I made that mistake. The 180 is the best and It's not hard to install.

What are the reasons? The 150 is in my budget.

When you to the screw adjustment, inspect the throttle cable and make sure there's not a pc of wire frayed. (the inside of the cable is made of little wires) That could also cause sticking.

I've fixed the sticking by adjusting the screw as you said. Unfortunately the head of the screw came off JUST as I was finishing. Hopefully I won't be needing to adjust that screw anytime soon.

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Patton - Because it's so loud. that's the only reason. I just don't want you to settle for something when you could save up for another week and get the 180. However, if you get the 150, you'll be okay; it's the noise that I didn't like.

I decided to take a break from performance and get tail light guards and a westin safari light bar. The tail light guards are on and I'm about to order the safari bar. I'm done with the exterior for a good while after this.
The next performance mod I think I'll do is the re-tune. It'll be about $400, $500 if I want Jah to come and tune it personally at my location. It'll be a while before I get that sort of money together.
The problem with my budget is I get large bumps in the amount I can spend on my car, rather then a steady flow of cash. If I get a large amount I can spend, and there is no indication of any more coming in anytime soon, I usually go ahead and spend it (because I am so damned impatient. But I am also deathly afraid that I will piddle it away on food and stuff). Say I get $200spending money, I'll see how long it will be until I get any more money, and if it will be a while, I'll probably spend that $200 on the removal of the cats or something, rather than stash it away and save it for the XCal2. So my point is I'll probably have a lapse in patience and purchase something cheaper that the XCal2, between now and then. Such as: electric fan, cat removal job, underdrive pulleys, C&L MAF housing.
Anyways, time will tell. Sorry about my rant.

patton - I don't think you really need James to come up and tune you with a N/A project like this. Or, am I missing something?

patton - I don't think you really need James to come up and tune you with a N/A project like this. Or, am I missing something?

No, you aren't missing anything haha. It's just an option we had explored. Seemed kind of cool to me. But no, I doubt it's particularly necessary.

Actually, I've thought about getting him down here even with my N/A goal.

The new throttle body is causing a problem with the cruise control. Whatever speed you "Set Accel", the cruise control will hold the speed 5 mph lower. How hard is it to fix this?

You need to adjust the cruise cable. It's the other cable connected to the TB. There's a metal clip that you have to remove (be careful removing it cuss it can pop off and fly somewhere). After it's removed, adjust the cable, and replace the clip. It's not that hard to do.

Dont remove the cats till you are definately ready for a computer tune. This will definately set a cel.-James

Dont remove the cats till you are definately ready for a computer tune. This will definately set a cel.-James

Will do, but I don't understand the last sentence?

Thankyou jakee, I'll be trying that soon.

I've updated my original mod list. It's now more complete with pricing and links. I hope this can help some others who plan to build up their SOHC (and are anywhere near as clueless as I was coming into this). Only thing I'm not putting in there is porting and smoothing out my TB, because I don't know anything about this. I read a while ago about asking Zabtech performance and they'll do it for like $100? Are they still doing that?

Ahh man. Porting the TB. How about waiting on this one? This will mainly give you throttle responce. I'm not saying NOT to do it but maybe save for something else?

Ahh man. Porting the TB. How about waiting on this one? This will mainly give you throttle responce. I'm not saying NOT to do it but maybe save for something else?

Like the XCal? I agree. It's just me and the whole saving money thing don't get along. Then again you already knew that.

you must learn young grasshopper.

Flapwheels are great for smoothing metal, without all the chatter. I like to use the flattened flapwheels in my 4.5" grinder for smoothing transitions in tubing. The 80grit ones are smooth like butter but can also hog some metal when needed.

hmmm.... I should probably do that on that little TB spacer then...

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