My 91 sport trac, though it wasn't always a sport trac | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My 91 sport trac, though it wasn't always a sport trac

Heres my 1991 explorer when i first bought it for $700 dollars. The perks of working at a used car dealer. It had 156,000 miles and was in need of some body work. but the 4wheel drive and engine worked great. The bonus was that it had 31's on it when i got it.


And here just 1 month later, with a new paintjob, some fog lights and some engine work. All the work I did myself.


And finnally the latest modification that i did just this week. Turning it into the only (i think) 1991 explorer sport trac. Only took a few hours with a buddy and a recipricating saw. Its not done yet, i'm going to finish off the edges and fabricate a working tailgate for it.


Another view, the background of which i see out my dinning room window everyday. Though i wish the snow would go away. We still have a good 3 feet.


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someone else in NH thats a member of the Board!!!
I from Nashua.

Wild thang!

Look ma, a mini Sport-trac! That is nice. I was wondering if you'd go all the way and make it a convertible, but then I noticed that you live in NH and it would be pretty chilly most of the year. Not to mention expensive to add roll bars and stabilize the body. But then it would look like a stretched early Bronco.

Have fun playin' with it!

Do you know where lancaster is?

Of course i know where lancaster is(Thanks Mapquest).
It is 135 mile north of Nashua!

I live in North Carolina and I saw a guy once in my home town and once in raliegh with a earlier white explorer who had chopped the back like that and had a soft top and lift gate on the back. also it had a lift, it was one bad mother. I'd like to do the same.

My plans...... hmmm...... mud, mud, mud , mud, oh yeah i almost forgot , MUD!

That's sweet!

Couple of questions: I can't tell from the pic, did you find some glass to put in the new back? Also, did removing the D pillars and roof affect the rigidity and safety of the truck?

Looks really good, hope you like it.

No, i don't have any glass, or anything for that matter in the back. This is strictly a muddin rig, so comfort and dryness in a downpour was not my first thought. I have a 2000 silverado pickup for a daily driver, so i 'm not to worried about what i do to the explorer. About the strength and rigidity, I havn't noticed any adverse affects, still feels as strong as ever, but i wouldn't trust it in a rollover. Thats why she rarely sees over 40 mph, just to get me to the next mudhole. I live in backwoods new hampshire so their are not alot of highways or traffic for that matter around here. says in your profile you live in Washington, is that the Washington down east in Beaufort county??? i live in Raleigh.

Blue Thunder, Yeah it is little Washington in Beaufort County. I go up to raliegh a lot since i have quite a few freinds up there and I think i am going to NCSU next year so i will be living up there. I am moving to Kill Devil Hills in two months though.

are you going to close off the back or just leave it open like that?

I'm thinking of fabricating a working tailgate, but other than that she's gonna be wide open. As I said in a previous message this is strictly a muddin and trail riding rig, so i'm not too worried if it gets wet or dirty inside.

Wow, congratulations should be in order for your bravery. I had thought of doing a similar mod to mine, with a ford ranger tailgate, only with a covered back, like an amigo. I couldn't bring myself to do it though.

now why did you cut off a perfectly fine rear? anyways looks good though. i am to scared to drill a hole in the roof for wires. much less chop off back

Thats the thing though, the liftgate was trashed, completely rotted and on top of that the mechanism for opening both the door and the glass was broke. Getting it off was the fun part, taking a hacksaw blade (yes just the blade)and cutting the pins that the door locks too. Needless to say that took a while. So you see there was a method to my maddness. Though the maddness part of it was so much more fun :)

I like it!
Just a thought on the tailgate. I saw a BroncoII once that had the top cut off and they took the bed end caps and tailgate from a Ranger and installed them. It looked like it was done at the factory. Not sure if it will work on the Explorer, but it may be a place to start. Good luck and send more photos when you finish.

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nope wont work for an X the rangers are narrower and there isnt an X counterpart pickup
