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My Cardomain Page. Check it.


Well-Known Member
December 9, 2001
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City, State
Edmond, OK
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Limited 4x4 V8
Pics of my new 2003 Limited on here as well. Updated 1/30/07 with the clear corners.

Comments are welcome.

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Get rid of the amber corners, get clear ones

Looks nice.. Where did you get the chrome trim pieces arounds the windows and about how much was it?

Looks nice.. Where did you get the chrome trim pieces arounds the windows and about how much was it?

im not sure where he got his but ive seen them on ebay before.. they dont seem to expensive either

I have a set that I bought off Ebay, just got them in the mail Wednesday. But I've already changed my mind. I'm not gonna go with those. I'm gonna do something completely custom. I'll sell you the ones I just ordered. Hell, I haven't even opened the box yet! Just pm me if your interested!

let me know where u find the clear conners!! please

ebay, the price is $34.95 and $12.00 in shipping right now. About two months ago they were $19.95, so i'm waiting. But may become impatient...

im not sure where he got his but ive seen them on ebay before.. they dont seem to expensive either

ebay as well. I think i paid a total of $50 with shipping. Search for pillars.

Like I said, if anyone is interested, I'll sell the brand new set I just bought off Ebay. I just paid $47 for it total with shipping. I will take $35 total, shipping and all. Will save someone $12 and I can recoup some of my $. Let me know if your interested

are you guys insane?????? those stupid chrome pillar things are sooooo fockin dumb looking,do you guys know how dumb and ghetto that **** looks, it blows my mind what some people will put on the vehicle. also i really like the red pinstripe, makes the truck..........

are you guys insane?????? those stupid chrome pillar things are sooooo fockin dumb looking,do you guys know how dumb and ghetto that **** looks, it blows my mind what some people will put on the vehicle. also i really like the red pinstripe, makes the truck..........

So was that meant to be a compliment?

actually its this new thing im trying out, i think its called sarcasm

are you guys insane?????? those stupid chrome pillar things are sooooo fockin dumb looking,do you guys know how dumb and ghetto that **** looks, it blows my mind what some people will put on the vehicle. also i really like the red pinstripe, makes the truck..........

if u want ghetto, take a look at ur hugeass rims... if uve been around a ghetto recently, im sure u will notice there r a good few out there like the size of urs on old ****ty cadillacs and chevys

clear corners on ebay, get them from revotec, they were $35.00 plus $11 shipping from CA to OH. Worth the price, they are OEM/DOT, look exactly like the original because they are.

if u want ghetto, take a look at ur hugeass rims... if uve been around a ghetto recently, im sure u will notice there r a good few out there like the size of urs on old ****ty cadillacs and chevys

hahaha you mean 20's? bro 20's are small now, a bunch of stock vehicles are starting to come with 20' many stupid impala's and brokeass caprices do you see with that stupid chrome pillar crap!!!! its horrible looking...also are you gonna tell every other dude with 20's on his ex that it looks ghetto....your funny

Clear Corners in 1/30/07! Shipped to me from Makoto Auto Trends from ebay. They look great and fit great. Identacle to OE.
