my engine computer wont display MPH from obd2 port | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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my engine computer wont display MPH from obd2 port


New Member
December 12, 2010
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City, State
gastonia, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 explorer xlt
i was trying to maximize my fuel economy so i got a PLX kiwi MPG computer... i opened it up plugged it in and it would read all parameters except for my MPH! after a call to the company and a test in my wifes car my truck is the problem!! can anyone clue me in as to what could be the issue??????? anything would help me at this point

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Did the company list it will display all fields in the discription for your truck? What other car did you try it on?

the '97 won't display some of the real-time stats that 98+ do.

or atleast earlier 97's.

Like Gavin said. Software problem with code readers for 97's. Nothing wrong with you OBD2 port. Send the reader back.


Thanks yall definitely getting my money back it works in everyone elses ford just not mine

as I said, that may be a parameter that is not viewable from an early '97.

For example, you cannot reprogram the ECM if you change tire size or gear ratio in a '97.
You can on a '98 though, I believe.

It may be a limitation on the early '97 and earlier OBD2 ECM.

Another example, on my '97 I cannot view misfire readings. I can on my parents 2000 Blazer and 2001 Silverado, real-time misfire readings even.
