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My list of Explorer - "How to" videos

hey sparky great videos I am a female just begin to do some work of 98 ford exp - 2 door-sport - and I am going to change my oil for the 1st time-I watched your video and would like to sue the same oil Ams Oil - 100% Synthetic - SAE my question is do I use
SAE 0w-20 if I live in FT Lauderdale where is so hot all the time? Can you give me the grade to use? and also for the the type/model/part number of the Oil Filter you would use?

1. oil needed name/blend/brand
2. oil filter " " " " " " "

Thanks Much

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hey sparky great videos I am a female just begin to do some work of 98 ford exp - 2 door-sport - and I am going to change my oil for the 1st time-I watched your video and would like to sue the same oil Ams Oil - 100% Synthetic - SAE my question is do I use
SAE 0w-20 if I live in FT Lauderdale where is so hot all the time? Can you give me the grade to use? and also for the the type/model/part number of the Oil Filter you would use?

1. oil needed name/blend/brand
2. oil filter " " " " " " "

Thanks Much

Im glad my vid gave you the confidence you needed to do your own oil change. Great place to start working on vehicles.

In my honest opinion oil weight doesnt matter that much in your typical everyday applications. Generally the thicker the oil the more "heavy duty" the application, is what most people go by. If you need more details about what im telling you then feel free to PM me. I just dont want this to turn into an oil pissing match.

0w20 5w20 0w30 5w30 or 10w30 should all be fine for your vehicle. I prefer thinner oils because they flow better. The better the flow the quicker debris and heat are taken away from your engine. I dont care for the thicker "hunny-like" oils.

Go with an amsoil oil filter and amsoil oil, you should be able to look up your application with the application chart amsoil supplys on there website.

I hope this helped. Feel free to ask questions.

Thanks for watching.

I just put a new thermostat in my Explorer last night, I wanted to mention one thing thats very important. One of the bolts going through the neck into the intake is longer than the other, make sure you dont mix them up. The longer one goes to your left (passenger side)

I just put a new thermostat in my Explorer last night, I wanted to mention one thing thats very important. One of the bolts going through the neck into the intake is longer than the other, make sure you dont mix them up. The longer one goes to your left (passenger side)

Good tip. Thanks for adding.

I didn't find the info in the videos or in the thread...Anybody know how much fluid is needed after flushing the power steering? The owner's manual says to fill to the line on the reservoir, but i want to know how much to buy before i can no longer drive to the store to get more.

Guess i'll just update with an answer to my own question...about half a quart (for the 5.0).

Sorry for slacking on the vids lately. More to come soon.

It looks like 95% of responses are Great Videos . I can only say the same.

Wow! Thanks a lot for all of the great videos. Very informative and they will help me in the coming days.:)

5 stars yo!!!

very nice. i have an 03 but these still help alot

thank you so much dude

Paint Prep for the wheels should be done this weekend along with a few other random vids.

vid request, changing the front diff fluid

vid request, changing the front diff fluid

That is one of the vids I would like to get done however someone told me the front diff cover on the explorer isn't a standard dana35 diff cover. That it is actually skinnier. I'm not sure how true that is but I need to look into it before I can get the vid done. If I'm going through the trouble of a front diff fluid change then I need to replace the cover as it is rusting through. :-/

great videos! thanks

very nice video, thanks!

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