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My Quest for 200 RWHP

n3m3s1s said:
yeah like we all have $4000 weighin our pockets down for that Xcharger. :rolleyes:
what is the difference with the hypertek pistons? if i could afford the xcharger (HA!) i would be able to afford a whole new bottom end, along with the other goodies.. $4K for 6lbs of boost or ~75hp is really friggin steep. especially when it only then makes the same power as the new honda and nissan trucks. :rolleyes:
Hyperteks are a great piston, but they are unforgiving, you ping them, they will crack(knowledgable engine builders say they are not what they are CRACKED up to be)
When hyperteks were first used in mid 2002 by ford take note the SOHC engine gained 5 crank H.P.
Why?, they have a very high silicon content, they are much harder than forged pistons, thus they can be machined to far closer tolorances and negate piston slap with less blowby, thus more H.P, same comp, ratio.
But you cannot mod an engine with H.Ts in the same manner you can a built engine with forged pistons, thats why even with the best of tunes, your limited to how much NOS you can use, and how much boost with an S.C.

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94 Mustang 302's have hypereutectic pistons, as do all of the Explorer 302's. It's good technology, better than cast, but not as strong as forged pistons.

I'm getting ten mpg while delivering mail with my 93 Limited 4x4. I expect to gain something with the 99 SOHC. When done I will see about a flasher tuned for 87 octane, for best fuel economy at low speeds.
This 99 chassis has 4.10 gears, while my 93 has 3.73's. I'd be happy to gain two mpg.

CDW6212R said:
94 Mustang 302's have hypereutectic pistons, as do all of the Explorer 302's. It's good technology, better than cast, but not as strong as forged pistons.

I'm getting ten mpg while delivering mail with my 93 Limited 4x4. I expect to gain something with the 99 SOHC. When done I will see about a flasher tuned for 87 octane, for best fuel economy at low speeds.
This 99 chassis has 4.10 gears, while my 93 has 3.73's. I'd be happy to gain two mpg.
CD your 100% correct, but you will never see (at this Time) A blown, Roush, SVT, or lightning, with H.T.s
Is just not a great choice in a Non-NA engine

So would I be screwing something up Supercharging my 97 SOHC?
I don't think I'm very fond of blowing pistons. Maybe I'll just stick to bolt ons and tune-ups, and muffler tips ;)

Doug has a thread started where he helped tune a supercharger on a later SOHC. I don't know the piston differences, but I'm sure that they are pushing the edge. I think they were in the mid 300HP range.

So it will be dangerous? I thought I just read that 2002+ have hypereutectic pistons.
I will not be running alot of boost though, because I don't drag it every week or anything.

Spindle- Do you have a gauge closter that attaches to the molding on the left near the door? I thought I saw it in a picture of your Explorer but it could be another red one.

n3m3s1s- Thanks alot man. I don't think I will be pushing my explorer that hard. When I read it I saw that the timing chain broke at 6,100 RPM. I don't even think I can get it up that high. The highest I went was 5,600 RPM when my driveway was covered with ice and I slammed the pedal to the floor, it was fun, I love how the SOHC sounds. :)

P.S. Don't get the idea I abuse it, that was only once.

CDW6212R said:
Doug has a thread started where he helped tune a supercharger on a later SOHC. I don't know the piston differences, but I'm sure that they are pushing the edge. I think they were in the mid 300HP range.
That was done in Fremont calif last month on dave vaniks ranger, is no way in hell mid 300s could be possible on an OEM engine.
You can buy the S.C now, from EE, if after all costs are taken into consideration, is 4K plus worth 75 H.P?

Do consider that the Mustangs have been coming with hypereutectic pistons in them for many years. Countless people have risked bolting superchargers on. I bet the tune would be critical. If not right, the engine wouldn't have a chance. Consult with Doug about it, good luck,

CDW6212R said:
Do consider that the Mustangs have been coming with hypereutectic pistons in them for many years. Countless people have risked bolting superchargers on. I bet the tune would be critical. If not right, the engine wouldn't have a chance. Consult with Doug about it, good luck,
your missing the point, you can S.C, Nos, any engine, the H.Ts just will not tolorate the same hit as a non H.T. thats all i said

Thanks guys, I really don't think I want to risk hurting the engine internally. The engine drinks up enough money in gas as it is.

spindlecone said:
your missing the point, you can S.C, Nos, any engine, the H.Ts just will not tolorate the same hit as a non H.T. thats all i said
I thought you said if you S.C. them they will crack?
Of course you can S.C. etc and engine but one run down the 1/4 mile and you will hurt something correct?

off-road97Xplor said:
n3m3s1s- Thanks a lot man. I don't think I will be pushing my explorer that hard. When I read it I saw that the timing chain broke at 6,100 RPM. I don't even think I can get it up that high. The highest I went was 5,600 RPM when my driveway was covered with ice and I slammed the pedal to the floor, it was fun, I love how the SOHC sounds. :)
no prob, and i would be too scared to take mine(w/100K miles) that high.
hell i try my best now to not hit 3000rpm since i get 9gal of gas for $20 :fire:
Drive it like your grandma stole it ! !

off-road97Xplor said:
Don't get the idea I abuse it.
we can all agree that you arent crazy for stabbin it on your icy driveway...anyone who read your signature might think otherwise. :D :D
5 hours ? really ?

Okay, sorry, I reviewed the thread. I did recall that the results were wheel HP and torque. The torque was 321 lbs.ft, and I guessed that the engine flywheel power was in the mid 300HP range.

I see that the engine is a 2001 model, and evidently had the older tensioners, and likely the cam cassettes. The 2002up parts are the upgrade parts. Any supercharging should include those better cam chain parts.

Typically supercharging with no more than six pounds of boost is an acceptable risk for these non-forged piston engines. Notice that most kits produce that. That's my rub with the EE supercharger for the Explorer($3500/75HP).

I recently acquired a bare KB 2.2 ;) liter supercharger. I will build a kit to mount it onto my 98 302. After it is running, I will build a stroker capable of handling double the power of the stock engine.

n3m3s1s- yes I did listen to it for 5 hours, I heard Chopin listened to it for 2-3 hours so I hooked the song up to the intercom in my house and watched TV and did everything for 5 hours. After that I couldnt stand it anymore.
Time for a new sig anyhow.

Its not the boost that kills the pistions its detionation.

1996Limited said:
Its not the boost that kills the pistions its detionation.
Thats 100% true, detonation kills pistons, but the higher the boost, the greater the potential for detonation, same with Nos, anyone can run a 50 shot, some can get away with 75, my son runs a 250 shot in a built stang engine.
Anything is possible, but we are talking OEM engines and what they can tolorate, in OEM form.
Than you need to factor in what your tranny can tolorate.
Building a car with huge H.P.intails drivetrain mods and suspension mods, not just a huge H.P engine.
I have spent two yrs working with some great people to build a SOHC V6 engine that will generate close to 400 Crank H.P,in a safe and sane manner.
The next step is a drivetrain that can handle said H.P.
The Engine was easy,but very costly, getting the power to the wheels, and make a dependable road car is not.
Remember, a daily driver, a dependable driver with High H.P, is hard to achieve in the aftermarket world.

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Ok I'll embarass myself and ask what OEM stands for?
Second- I'm going to put a 700r instead of my piece of crap A4LD I have now. Should that be sufficient to handle the power?
