My Quest for 200 RWHP | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My Quest for 200 RWHP

Agreed. A certain amount of risk is taken when "bolting" on big horsepower. I plan to be willing to lose a part or two, when I bolt on a supercharger capable of 10-30 pounds of boost.

Modifications; the magic is being ready to tow it, or repair it, and being able to. :cool: Good luck,

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I'm hoping to get only 9-10 psi to start with, and what's a "DD?" That may be six months away before I start though.

The 700R will be good with the right controller. The lack of an A4LD will create a check engine code though. Ask the tuner guys if you can somehow disable that error signal. Good luck,

DD=Daily Driver

CWD- Goodluck with you project also. About the 700r another guy here named Jeff figured out how to delete the codes for good.

off-road97Xplor said:
Ok I'll embarass myself and ask what OEM stands for?

original equipment manufacturer

CDW6212R said:
Agreed. A certain amount of risk is taken when "bolting" on big horsepower. I plan to be willing to lose a part or two, when I bolt on a supercharger capable of 10-30 pounds of boost.

Modifications; the magic is being ready to tow it, or repair it, and being able to. :cool: Good luck,
Thats the Trick Don, to build an engine, that will never lose a part or two (that may trash a 5K project) nor worry about having to have it towed.
Is alot more to doing so than meets the eye
