My Quest for 200 RWHP | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My Quest for 200 RWHP


Explorer Addict
April 30, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
San Jose, Calif
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 sport trac
Couple more minor tweeks, and I'm home :D


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Sweet. What have you changed/added to get more power? Or is it just tuning?

j602 said:
Sweet. What have you changed/added to get more power? Or is it just tuning?
was a culmination of alot of factors, and a super tune.

10 hp shot of nitrous ;)

After you pay me the "bail money" I let you borrow, you can resume your under the hood project - BJ

boominXplorer said:
10 hp shot of nitrous ;)
Hardly boomin,A tenner would only get you 178 H.P :D

Hey spindle,....
How about that 'magic mix' of 82 and 87 octane....... :rolleyes:
J/K, Lookin good bro. Keep it up!

mctoy said:
Hey spindle,....
How about that 'magic mix' of 82 and 87 octane....... :rolleyes:
J/K, Lookin good bro. Keep it up!
Just have 91 calif crap, best we can buy in this state, higher Octane would not improve anything,anyhow.
Am done with the Boltons and tunes, think 196 is max N/A.
BUT Powerdyne has a little something in the works for me :eek:
Will keep ya posted :D

Yeah, was just jokin' about octane...How about lighter, or underdrive pulleys?

mctoy said:
Yeah, was just jokin' about octane...How about lighter, or underdrive pulleys?
would love to get some Underdrive pullys,are none made for the SOHC engine at this time.
Am hopeing now that the same engine is used in the new mustang, the aftermarket crowd will make it happin

spindlecone said:
Am hoping now that the same engine is used in the new mustang, the aftermarket crowd will make it happin

*crosses fingers*

'Bout the only other thing I can think of would be an electric water pump. Dont know if they have them for street use or not..."Hmmm, Where is my new Summitt catalogue anyways?"

some new 'stang heads would be nice, forgot where i saw that pic of them. might have been on this site somewhere. jba also makes some headers, but the cost might outweigh the hp gains.

Nice spindle, I'm just curious what the RWHP was when you were completly stock?

n3m3s1s said:
some new 'stang heads would be nice, forgot where i saw that pic of them. might have been on this site somewhere. jba also makes some headers, but the cost might outweigh the hp gains.
headers are nice, but no bang for the buck, you get far more H.P by going to a simple Y-Pipe.
better heads and cams might be a plus, but that would intale a complete built engine.
Thos of us with mid 2002 and up engines are screwed for major gains using NOS or an S.C, that makes over 6 lbs boost, because of our hypertek pistons.
I know one can get 30 more safe usable RWHP, with the proper boltons, and a great flasher tune, been there done that.
Is only so much that can be done with your basic OEM engine.JMHO

off-road97Xplor said:
Nice spindle, I'm just curious what the RWHP was when you were completly stock?

Are not hypereutectic pistons used in virtually all late Fords now. I'd think only factory supercharged engines get forged pistons now. 93 302 Mustangs were the last NA Ford to have forged pistons.
Where's Doug, how much mpg can be gained with 87 octane in a SOHC? Good luck,

spindlecone said:
Those of us with mid 2002 and up engines are screwed for major gains using NOS or an S.C, that makes over 6 lbs boost, because of our hypertek pistons.

yeah like we all have $4000 weighin our pockets down for that Xcharger. :rolleyes:
what is the difference with the hypertek pistons? if i could afford the xcharger (HA!) i would be able to afford a whole new bottom end, along with the other goodies.. $4K for 6lbs of boost or ~75hp is really friggin steep. especially when it only then makes the same power as the new honda and nissan trucks. :rolleyes:

CDW6212R said:
Are not hypereutectic pistons used in virtually all late Fords now. I'd think only factory supercharged engines get forged pistons now. 93 302 Mustangs were the last NA Ford to have forged pistons.
Where's Doug, how much mpg can be gained with 87 octane in a SOHC? Good luck,
MPG? maybe 22

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Those are some good numbers Spindle!!

