My Woes | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My Woes


Well-Known Member
August 31, 2011
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 Explorer Limited
Last week I left my parking lights on for about 24 hrs., which killed the battery.
I boosted the car, and everything was I thought. Long story, short, now the GPS was inoperative. Taking out the SD card, and re-installing it didn't do the trick. Off to the dealer to book a service.

So last Thursday the dealer had the car all day, did a master reset, GPS is working again. Woopee!

Prior to this mishap, I had been having constant problems with my USB, and BT not working, having been reset a number of times. Things would work for three days, or so, then same senario. Even did the old 'disconnect the battery', three/four days...done!

Here's the funny part: I'm having a coffee in the car,(night time) listening to FM checking my email on my iphone, can't remember if the car was running, or not. All of a sudden I noticed the lights in the cup holders flicker a couple of times, then 20 seconds later same thing, very odd! No interruption of FM.

For some reason I decided to try my was working, tried BT, it also worked, and both have been working since then WTF? VERY odd!!!

But tonight...:rolleyes:
Playing my ipod, changed to next song, it played, but the last title is still being shown. Advance to next song, it plays, but still the first song title is displayed.

I press FM/BT Sirrus...everything plays, but when I press USB (on the touch screen) again I get a 'pop up' that say's 'indexing device', and jumps back to FM! Only way I can get the 'next' song title to play/display is by pressing USB on the SW, but again as soon as I advance to another song, it plays, but last song title remains. be continued! :rolleyes:

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Last song still displaying, it does happen to me on my Edge because for some reason or other the ipod starts to index.

Last week I left my parking lights on for about 24 hrs., which killed the battery.
Congratulations JETZ! You found the only lights that are not turned off by the battery saver program. ;) Those and the hazard warning lamps, which are technically the same, remain active.
Good luck with your other issues. I hope they get resolved.


For sure!
