Need a hand with radius arm brackets | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need a hand with radius arm brackets


Well-Known Member
October 6, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Ewa Beach, HI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Explorer Limited 4.6
i realy need a hand with my radius arm brackets for my 92 explorer's 6" skyjacker class 2 kit. If anyone has pics of how they mount up please send them to me or post them here.

I was under the truck cleaning it up, cause i finaly got everthing on the kit repainted. I noticed the frame it double walled on the driver side and does not have the holes in it like the instructions say.

The passanger side does have the 2 holes like it says thought. My main question is can I use the one bolt hole on the bottom of the frame rail for the the transmition cross member to line up the driverside radius arm/ transmiton crossmember brace.

I hope someone understands what i am talking about and has pics. Any help will be appricated.

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Try this post

He just finished his skyjacker 6 in. and has a nice pic of the underside.

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Mine is only class one lift, he is looking for a class II set-up, extended arms, take a look at limited ex's thread, he was also having some concerns, but I think his problems are all worked out.

I believe on my Duff extended arms the one side used 2 existing holes in the frame, and the other side used that hole in the bottom of the frame as a reference. I think all of those holes are from the existing tranny crossmember, sounds like you've got it figured out.

bumping this ancient thread, anybody know the correct mounting positions for skyjacker radius arms? I got an old used set and the instructions dont make sense for explorers.
