Need Help Locating Mountaineer Front Parts | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need Help Locating Mountaineer Front Parts

Hey i have a 97 mountaineer. Im looking for a bumper with fog holes that will bolt onto my mountaineer.
something that will fit...

my bumper is toast someone hit a deer with it..
also need a grill.

im going to buy them headlights off ebay, the ones that are one whole part insted of doing the seperate headlight/blinker

any help would be great///

and if you have parts... pm me some prices and ill buy um up

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ok i cant find a list of whats interchangable between a explorer and a mountaineer in the year 97 .... i need a grill lights blinkers bumper and maby fenders....

please guys... im driving a ugly unfronted truck right now... i want her to shine

The only difference between the 1997 Mountaineer and the 1997 Explorer is the center grille section, the rest will be exactly the same. Some Mounty's had the painted bumpers/trim as shown below and such, but so did some Ex's- that you would have to look for if needed, but fitment is the same.





what grills can i use? i need a center grill insert. ? thanks for the help joe.
is there a list of interchangeable years and parts?

The only center grille option is an after market billit grill in which case you will need a 1998 and up hood latch. The factory grille is one piece (other that the turn light housing trim pieces)

Any 1995-2001 4 door Explorer grill will work or 1995-1999 Sport grille. For the bumper you can use one from any 1995-1998 Explorer.

thanks so much dan that makes my options ALOT bigger!
now time to look around lol

2000 Sport grille also- they didn't change until 2001...

But yeah- what Dan said... :thumbsup:

Also- just so you're familiar, HERE is the grille removal procedure.

Lastly, in case the question comes up after you find one, the Newer Mountianeer grille:


...will only work if you replace the entire header panel behind it, the whole assembly is different, not a straight swap.
