Need Help, Window Tint Removal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need Help, Window Tint Removal


Well-Known Member
October 16, 2005
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City, State
Parker, Colorado
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer XLT
i had my ex's back 7 windows tinted about four months ago to 5%. recently got pulled over and received a ticket for teh illegal tint on driver and pasenger windows, i would like to remove that tint to make it legal, any advice, i have no experience with tint removal?

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the tint is on the inside...roll your window down just slightly to see the top of the should be able to get under it with a razor blade, and start peeling. ive never done it before either and this is only a suggestion...but my guess is it'll work. and if its coming off i dont think you can really mess it up. hope this helps

goo gone and a straight razor blade worked wonders for me when removing some stickers that left all their goo.

wd40 works great too

thanks ill try the razor blade strip with goo gone and let ya know how it works, thanks

Hit the leftover adhesive with Windex, wait a couple of seconds, then razor blade or wipe it off. Repeat until it is all gone.

The Windex turns the adhesive into a slime.

If you plan on getting a retint, make sure to tell the tinter that you removed the tint that was on there, so that he knows to do a thorough cleaning before tinting. I removed the tint on my car that was from late 1991. I removed the door panels to make it easier. Bladed, peeled, scraped, all with Windex to not scratch the glass. After a thorough removal, I did an additional 5 bladings with Windex to insure no adhesive was left. My tint guy told me the better removal I do, the better the retint will be.

2000Xplorer said:
i had my ex's back 7 windows tinted about four months ago to 5%. recently got pulled over and received a ticket for teh illegal tint on driver and pasenger windows, i would like to remove that tint to make it legal, any advice, i have no experience with tint removal?

Ask at your DMV what is the legal limit for tinting on your driver's and passenger windows before you have your tint redone.

Here in CT, multi purpose vehicles (Explorers and the like) can have no more than a 35 percent tint on the front drivers and passenger windows and on the windshield, all other windows can be as dark as you want. You also have to have the vehicle looked at to make sure all the tinting is correct and you have to have a sticker on your vehicle. I don't know about laws in other states but if you don't have that sticker, you can get a ticket for it. A lady where I work got one for that same reason a week ago.

I hope this info helps you a little :)

When I removed the tint on my Mustang I used Goof-off and alot of paper towels after I got the film off. It came off very nicely. And if you are fighting the ticket you do need a shop to take it off for you and bring the reciept to the DMV. Atleast thats what I needed to do.

The 30% tint, plus the 3% that the glass already blocks, equals the 27% that is legal here in CO.

o, so the regular glass blocks 3% so when the cop said my tint was 2% was because of the 5% over the glass. i didnt know that, thanks.

I would think the place that put the tint on would know the law and should have never the tint on that was too dark.
To me they are just as liable as you are.

thats what i thought, but i went and talked to the tint place and they said it is a buyer beware kinda thing. i dont know what the law says about companies that do an illegal tint and their liabilty with the customers

hey so i have waited too long to remove the tint and have decided to do it this weekend. i plan to take everything off(since i got 5% on everything, even over the stock tint in rear) and go get the front two windows redone with 30%, so i wil end up with 30% all over, which will come out to the 27% that is legal here.

does the rear windows come stock with 30%?

I think that the stock tints are 50%. Here in TN 50% is the limit, and I wanted a match for my front windows. My tinter will not install anything below that 50% limit.

BTW, use new razor blades, and don't use them for too long. Razor blades will scratch glass, just quit using them before they do wear too much. I'd advise you to let someone else do the rear glass, or don't use any razor blades at all. The glass cleaners soften the glue, so will a hair dryer. If the tint is new it may come off of the rear easily, like vinyl stripes. Use lots of glass cleaner and paper towels.

WD40 is good for window felts, trim, spray them just before washing the car. Good luck,

so should i spray some glass cleaner on and let it soak for a while, then attempt the peeling process?

and i was planning on taking it all off myself cause the tint shop here charges something like 20 bucks a window for removal.
