Need new ECU HELP !! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need new ECU HELP !!


New Member
October 6, 2009
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95 XLT
My ECM died, after having problems with the engine starting and after few seconds dying , no throttle response, fuel system OK, sensors Ok the problem was the ECM !!!

Now this explorer has a rare ECM number F87F 12B 523BA, can not find the part and I don't want to pay over 2.000 dollars to the dealer the question is... is it possible to get a similar ECM and get it reprogramed to the original especifications?

Anybody knows where can be done ?

SORRY the ECM right code is F77F-12A650-BHA taken from the ECM sticker !!!!

Thank you very much ...

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have you tried RockAuto? they had a rare ABS computer for a '91 Chrysler mini van that i needed last year. Chrysler couldn't even get one and RockAuto was 1/4 Chrysler's price for a reman (if they could get it).

have you tried RockAuto? they had a rare ABS computer for a '91 Chrysler mini van that i needed last year. Chrysler couldn't even get one and RockAuto was 1/4 Chrysler's price for a reman (if they could get it).

Thank you KODA2000, I´ve tried Rockauto no luck

My ECM died, after having problems with the engine starting and after few seconds dying , no throttle response, fuel system OK, sensors Ok the problem was the ECM !!!

Now this explorer has a rare ECM number F87F 12B 523BA, can not find the part and I don't want to pay over 2.000 dollars to the dealer the question is... is it possible to get a similar ECM and get it reprogramed to the original especifications?

Anybody knows where can be done ?

SORRY the ECM right code is F77F-12A650-BHA taken from the ECM sticker !!!!

Problem solved !!!! second hand ECU reprogramed to the original ECU calibration settings.

Thank you very much ...
