Need Upgrades on a 1997 Mountaineer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need Upgrades on a 1997 Mountaineer


New Member
February 16, 2012
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Silicon Valley
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Mountineer V8
Hi there

I'm new to this forum and I was hoping you guys can help me out. I bought a 1997 Mountaineer 5.0 V8 with over 140K miles and still runs great.

First question is where can I get the rear springs besides (dealer) because they seem to be losing its arch angle and wearing off.

Second I want to replace the shocks and what brands and which are the best for smooth ride. ( of course I'm not looking for car feel like comfort) Every bumps, small pots holes, and every creases on the road feels harsh so I know its time for some new shocks.

And finally 3rd what ECU chip to add HP and headers?

I appreciate in advance


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I recommend, after careful review, the monroe reflex shocks for the front, monroe sc2958 for the 5th shock, and monroe coilovers for the rear.

The rear upper shock mounts are not meant to support the whole weight of the truck, however, with the leaf springs doing the majority of the work I feel the coilovers are fine after about 2500 miles of using them.


Rear pair

Fifth shock ( axle damper--steering stabilizer)

I recommend, after careful review, the monroe reflex shocks for the front, monroe sc2958 for the 5th shock, and monroe coilovers for the rear.

The rear upper shock mounts are not meant to support the whole weight of the truck, however, with the leaf springs doing the majority of the work I feel the coilovers are fine after about 2500 miles of using them.


Rear pair

Fifth shock ( axle damper--steering stabilizer)

How did you find out that the reflex shock will work in the front because I wanted to buy reflex shocks for my ex but no one had part numbers for the front..

I've put 2 sets of Reflex shocks on my Explorers. I got them from Rock Auto, Jon is right.

2WD front: 911177
4WD front: 911122
Rear: 911035

If they couldn't find them, find another place to get parts...

I appreciate the feedback guys, thanks

For the leaf springs, I would suggest taking them to a local suspension ship, and having them re-arched, before you go a head and get new ones. I bought new ones though online from ATS spring, and they are great, put almost 4K on them since the install, no problems, and nor more lean.

Also Torque monster headers seem to be popular, although I have never delt with them. There is a thread about them in the 1995-2001 Modified section.

I've put 2 sets of Reflex shocks on my Explorers. I got them from Rock Auto, Jon is right.

2WD front: 911177
4WD front: 911122
Rear: 911035

If they couldn't find them, find another place to get parts...

Whats the funny part is that rockauto lists them for the front but monroe's website says that they don't make reflex shocks for the front..
