New paint idea!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New paint idea!!!



So its very late...But I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep when I had this idea for a paint job on my X...

I really like it and its something I can do in my family's friends paint booth. The blue is off a bit...

Its supoes to be the Chevy SS blue...*My photoshop skills are limited*...To go with my blue headliner!


Like? Let me know!

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i like the idea looks cool but personally i would go with a darker blue.

I agree, I think a darker blue looks better

Edit: The more I look at it the less I think it would be good.

I never critisize a vehicle...

Are you asking for opinions? If so, I will say specifically what I see. If not, I will remain silent. I say nothing with negative intent... Would you like the opinion or are you really set on painting your vehicle?


The only reason I don't want to go so dark is because...Dark colors you can see searches way ezer...

don't really care for the color

If YOU like it then go for it, but if you are really asking for opinions....I really dont think it would look good at all.

So I saw a Dakota with the pain job that I PhotoShoped...I took a picture with my phone and I can't get it off...Black Dakota with light gray fender flairs and front and back bumpers. It also had the gray along the bottom of the bed and doors like my PhotoShop...

That blue is a terrible idea- your truck looks classy white, why would you want to make it tacky with the blue? The only colors that would look good there would be silver/gray or tan.

Now that's a better blend

So I saw a Dakota with the pain job that I PhotoShoped...I took a picture with my phone and I can't get it off...Black Dakota with light gray fender flairs and front and back bumpers. It also had the gray along the bottom of the bed and doors like my PhotoShop...

That ^^ sounds very nice! Go for it! (see blue comment below)

If today I saw that beautiful white vehicle, royal and rugged, it would be captivating... then the next day painted with that blue trim, I would expect to see 87 clowns with balloons climbing out... :D

That blue is a terrible idea- your truck looks classy white, why would you want to make it tacky with the blue? The only colors that would look good there would be silver/gray or tan.

For you all know...I have been talked out of it...I'm going to keep my flames for a while and pay off my truck...Just want HID's for my fog lights...And a black safari bar...

Heres my truck now...

And heres the pain job I will be doing some day...

I still like this pain job ;)

It's beautiful! But notice...

In each post you mention "pain" when referring to paint. Just a thought, are you unhappy with the vehicle? You can make a ton of changes until you feel 100% about it... And if it were all blue with black bumpers, dif rims and tires... it wouldn't look bad at all... add the safari bar like you said, and go for it!

dont get a safari bar, your truck is nice street queen look, dont mix it up by adding a bar, street or bush? Pick. personally i think your truck is bad ass the way it is,

dont get a safari bar, your truck is nice street queen look, dont mix it up by adding a bar, street or bush? Pick. personally i think your truck is bad ass the way it is,

I like to think that my truck is bad ass too. But I am not one to just pick one side. I LOVE Safari bars and I will get one some day. First on my list is I am getting HIDs for my fogs for X-Mas...10,000K H1...

Second I am getting the pint of paint I need to paint a few things in the inter to match the blue head liner...

Third I am getting some paint for the out side...Paint my mirrors and the black pillars...Also the wing my buddy gave me...All painted to match...He owns a custom shop and drive two Explorers....

Some where down the line I'm going to F-150 pain job...All before summer...Need it all done by the first car show...

In each post you mention "pain" when referring to paint. Just a thought, are you unhappy with the vehicle? You can make a ton of changes until you feel 100% about it... And if it were all blue with black bumpers, dif rims and tires... it wouldn't look bad at all... add the safari bar like you said, and go for it!

As bill and ted would say...

Woah... That's some deep philosiphizing dude... :D

wait, this website isn't part of some big philisophical experiment is it? whenever I try to look inside myself it scares me :crazy: :D

They know too much...

I'm almost afraid to write sometimes... don't realize how much we can say without "saying" it. And the man is watching :afro::shifty_ey

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Did any of you guys notice that the picture up there of the pearl white limited with the silver side flames has 6 lug Chevrolet pickup wheels? Is that a photoshop? Must be. Just thought I would chime in!
