"New" Saginaw power steering pump adapter kit for 4.0 OHV (cheap too) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"New" Saginaw power steering pump adapter kit for 4.0 OHV (cheap too)


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Elite Explorer
August 1, 2008
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Bracket kit only, you supply the saginaw pump.


If your tired of the whine of the stock P pump, and have always wanted an easy solution to swap to the saginaw to your 1st or 2nd gen 4.0 OHV, well there it is.... Finally!

Grab a used unit from the boneyard, buy a reman, or can even use an aftermarket High Performance Sag TC pump with it.

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@gmanpaint I looked at the Proquiped link. In the third picture of the pump and bracket, approximately what year Saginaw pump is that?
I have seen the early pump style used in Mustang/ Borgeson conversions.

@gmanpaint I looked at the Proquiped link. In the third picture of the pump and bracket, approximately what year Saginaw pump is that?
I have seen the early pump style used in Mustang/ Borgeson conversions.
They use a 2002-2006 Jeep Liberty V6 Saginaw TC, because it's ready available from retailers, and salvage yards. Also, the location of the pressure port at the bottom is ideal, and works with your stock hose. You need to add the Jeep V6 pully as well. Swapping the Jeep pressure control valve with your old one needs done too.

This conversion was recently done if you want to see more about it.

click the link

