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New Tires

I am planning on buying a 2in Skyjacker suspension lift for my 93 sport. With this I am going to upgrade from my 235/75/15 to some 31/10.50/15.

The problem is that I am not sure what kind of tires to put on. I thought about the Kumho Road Venture M/T because of the cheap price but I've heard that they aren't great off-road and they are loud. My next choice was the Maxxis Buckshot Mudder, again because of the price, but I haven't seen anything about them.

Does anyone know of some good offroad tires that aren't $140 a piece. I'd rather not get some that are real loud but I would be fine with it as long as they are good off road. Thanks. :)

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My BFG AT's were 104.99 a piece at sears..

MattStarr said:
My BFG AT's were 104.99 a piece at sears..
I actually want some mud terrains though.

You can try cavalier mud kings.(I think they are made by BFG actully, but I am not totally sure on that.) I had the Cavalier sport king AT tires and I had real good luck with them and had 35,000 on them when I sold my old truck They still had 1/2 tread left, I'd say. Plus the price on the mud kings is really decent. Click here on where to buy.

The Firestone Destination M/T and Bridgestone Dueler M/T have good ratings

Has anyone had experience with or heard anything about the Dunlop Mud Rovers??
