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New Truck

Well everyone. Come Thursday the Explorer is going bye bye. I have gotten a 2005 Dodge Ram Quad Cab Hemi. Its the top models with heated Leather seats. The Whole works. I will have pictures up soon. I am still gonna remain active in the club. Since the club rules state you dont have to own an explorer to be in the club. I have discussed some things with John and I am going to remain the President. I am not going anywhere. :salute:

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Here is my latest Mod. OEM Mopar Chrome Oval Step Bars!




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looks nice

I also have 1 more mod. I had a Superchips Tirepaq for awhile. (Which only adjusted tire size. I recently paid to have the software upgraded to be the flashpaq. So I can tune my trucks shift points and power levels. I recently tuned the truck for 87 octane. I have noticed my MPG go up slightly.


I just rewired some lights. I added 2 Micro Lite Leds in the rear with my phantom in the middle. I used 2 headliner brackets for the micro light leds and double sided sticky tape for the phantom. Only downside was I had to remove my clothes hangers. Also below is a video of my lights. The last thing I will add will be some rear strobes in the tail lights.


New Video of rear lights.

Matt the new lights look nice :thumbsup:.. Now once you have added the morse code generator you can send subliminal messages to the people behind your :p:

For the people who are still following this thread. I have some updates. Next Monday my truck goes in for some warranty work. My 2 rear fenders are rusting with holes behind them. So 2 new fenders are being put on. The thing that sucks is. My blue graphics on the truck are painted on. So my truck will look weird without the full graphic on. So i am paying the dealer to take the rest of the graphics off. So my truck is gonna look stock again. The painted graphics were starting to fade anyway. So iam not too concerned. My new and latest project is to add some new decals. This is what I am thinking. Doing the Dodge Ram Daytona stripe. But have it say Laramie insted of Daytona and a hood stripe. What do you think?

Here are pics of what it will look like.



Depending on cost. I will most likely have something similar to this on my hood.


My new and latest project is to add some new decals. This is what I am thinking. Doing the Dodge Ram Daytona stripe. But have it say Laramie insted of Daytona and a hood stripe. What do you think?

I think you will be trading this in on 8/22 and getting a dodge neon as required by law.. (marital law :D...)

For the people who are still following this thread. I have some updates. Next Monday my truck goes in for some warranty work. My 2 rear fenders are rusting with holes behind them. So 2 new fenders are being put on. The thing that sucks is. My blue graphics on the truck are painted on. So my truck will look weird without the full graphic on. So i am paying the dealer to take the rest of the graphics off. So my truck is gonna look stock again. The painted graphics were starting to fade anyway. So iam not too concerned. My new and latest project is to add some new decals. This is what I am thinking. Doing the Dodge Ram Daytona stripe. But have it say Laramie insted of Daytona and a hood stripe. What do you think?

Here are pics of what it will look like.



Depending on cost. I will most likely have something similar to this on my hood.


Don't have it say Laramie, just have it SOLID.

I forgot to update this thread. The dealer was unable to remove my graphics without sanding down everything and repainting it. It looks like I will be doing vinyl decals on the rear fenders to match what was their before. Its only gonna cost me 70 bucks for the decals and installation. The red is gonna look slightly off close up. But far away it will look good. Better then having to spend an arm and a leg to have it repainted.

Alright everyone. I have been really slacking lately. I have not gotten the truck restriped yet. What are your opions on me doing this Laramie Graphic with my current front graphics? Maybe have the Laramie bed stripe a lighter blue?



For the folks still following this thread. Here is an update and recap on all the happenings with the box fenders.

Well awhile back i had my 2 rear box fenders replaced under warranty. The graphics were painted onto the fenders. Dodge claimed they could take off the rest of my graphics. Well.. they claimed the whole truck would have to be sanded and painted because the graphics were painted on the truck correcly. So I was whatever.. So I went through winter with no graphics on my fenders. It was gonna cost me some big bucks to have it airbrushed back on. So i went to a local decal/vinyl shop called yipes and had them take a look at it. So I made an appoinment for toay, and they redid my fenders in vinyl. The blues matched up perfect. The red and yellow/gold a little brighter. But thats because the red and yellow faded on the truck. i think it looks decent. What yall think? Costed me 117 bucks for both sides done.









you guys are gonna laugh. Look very closley at the yellow stripes. They are not straight!!! I just came back from there. They had to redo both sides of the yellow and the blue scwiggly stripes. I took out my tape measure and lined it up with the old stripe and it was not straight, it was going uphill. So ignore that little mistake in the pics. Its all fixed now. New pics will come another day.
