New turbos installed yes! Traction, NO! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New turbos installed yes! Traction, NO!


Well-Known Member
March 4, 2013
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City, State
Phoenix, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Flex Ecoboost
I attempt to launch with my new tune that has 21+ degrees of timing with the boost leak fixed, it's pretty funny. I ripped open the rubber hose from the rear turbo to the plastic pipe within 4 hours of installing my new turbos, I replaced it with a silicone hose today no more leak and no more traction in first and now sometimes second.

Another video, this time just a regular pull

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I'd like to see 1/4 mile times


I'd like to see 1/4 mile times
I'm having to work around 1st gear traction, I still have the Goodyear all seasons on the car, I have new tires that will be here this week, I hope they make a huge difference. :)

That is awesome. Did you need the extra fueling because of E85 or will 93 need extra fueling also to support these turbos ? Would be nice to one day have a complete kit.

That is awesome. Did you need the extra fueling because of E85 or will 93 need extra fueling also to support these turbos ? Would be nice to one day have a complete kit.
E85 requires the aux fueling, you could probably get away with meth and 93 octane but it would be close. :)

Oh man. The ricer in me wants my stock Explorer to have a BOV noise

I bet that thing pulls hard

You can get your stock explorer to have a BoV noise, I did a write up over at ecoboost performance forum - just search for vent to atmosphere

Looking at the pics of this mod, wouldn't you be concerned about leaving the vent outlet uncovered? Bugs, dirt, other contaminants? Don't VTA's usually have a filter?
Nope, lots of VTA BoV with no filters, you could always add one if you were worried about it, your preference. :)

I did the mod 4DRHTRD did the write up on and it works great. It's not super loud, but still will make you grin. Worth the $2 at Lowes.

4DRHTRD...maybe I missed it in the Ecoboost forum, but are these stock BOVs electronically controlled instead of vacuum controlled? I've never seen BOV's with electrical connectors on them...

...makes it kinda hard to just swap them out without seemingly tricking the ECU, correct?

4DRHTRD...maybe I missed it in the Ecoboost forum, but are these stock BOVs electronically controlled instead of vacuum controlled? I've never seen BOV's with electrical connectors on them...

...makes it kinda hard to just swap them out without seemingly tricking the ECU, correct?

Long term I'm looking at taking out my factory ones and putting an aftermarket vacuum actuated BoV. The factory BoV are 10ohm, just need to put in a 10ohm resistor in it's place. I need to find the male plug to replace the BoV so I can do it cleanly.

4DRHTRD… what are you using to pull engine data in your videos?

Will the blow off valve mod work on the Eco F-150?

just wanted to say I did the BOV VTA mod on my wife's sport last week and it's pretty cool. I'm surprised how much of a difference in sound it makes. Surprises a few people hearing that noise come from an explorer! lol

I can see how it may be annoying for some, but we're both gear heads and love those mechanical type noises, and don't like a numbed up driving experience. It's a nice flashback to the days of her turbo SRT-4 neon with a BOV.

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Are you guys doing both BOVs or just one? My thought is that by doing just one vs both you could tone it down if both was too loud. Or would this be an issue not venting both?
